chapter seventeen

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sarada's pov

that morning 

i wasn't planning to be rude-rude to boruto today, okay? you can't blame me. 

kaito was awesome, and his friend group was even better. 

they changed me to the girl i am today. 

the old sarada had her heart broken and ran back to him. she put boys over herself, grades over herself, and practically everything over herself. 

the new sarada put herself first. she had a loving friend group and something to keep her mind off of him.

i enter the classroom, eyeballing all the kids, especially him. it shocked me when he practically yelled at me.  

"what is your problem?"

i could feel my blood boiling when he said that. my problem? MY PROBLEM?  my problem is how he was playing with MY feelings. but i couldn't say that outloud. it'd ruin my reputation and this whole 'tough girl' act i put on. i felt like my dad. 

although i couldn't be like him. my dad was "cold-hearted", the adults liked to put it. cold-hearted. no feelings. 

i still had feelings. i wasn't born cold-hearted. i was born with feelings. but i was dismissing them. mama would say that papa had feelings and was warm-hearted, but he dismissed them. maybe mama was right. i really was like papa. 

it took every single piece of my heart to shout back, "my problem is you, uzumaki." i huff the biggest huff i could without breaking down. i hate this, i really did. but i can't go back now. i try not to give off the vibe of feeling guilty. suppressing your feelings is really hard. 

"what happened to bolt?" he replies. is he trying to be funny right now? i could feel everyone staring at us. the uchiha-uzumaki duo, in a fight? that rarely happens. i just wanted to sink into my shoes and disappear. 

i crack under the pressure. i let out what i've been feeling in the coldest and shortest sentence ever. 

"bolt was for the sarada who had her heart broken. bolt isn't for the new sarada."

author's note -

hey yall! sorry for the short chapter. i kind of wanted to document sarada's pov in the most intense way i could, lol. 

thank you for 1k reads! i appreciate it. < 3 

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series. 

word count - 386 

stay safe! i love y'all so so much. < 3 

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