chapter sixteen

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boruto's pov

[ 2 weeks after ] 

sarada really changed. and i don't mean in a good way. after her lunch with that kid (daito? kaito? i really don't pay attention), she and him went all bad. 

first off, she skips classes. second off, she's practically evil. and NOT in a cute way people. she wears all black now, and when she is at school, she's "queen bee" if you will. 

how do you take a girl with glasses seriously? WHEN SHE GETS CONTACTS. (you're not supposed to laugh). 

she even blew us all off. her childhood friends. she only keeps in touch with cho-cho. and which i quote, "she has every right to blow us off." is what cho-cho said.

i never did anything to her! i only kissed her. and she kissed back, so if she didn't like it then she shouldn't have kissed me back. 

i snap out of my gaze as i hear those dark boots entering the classroom. wow, she shows up to class for once. give her a medal guys! she looks around, and shows the famous uchiha-glare at me. why at me only? 

"what is your problem?" i say, letting every ounce of fear i have go. she looks at me and huffs. "my problem is you, uzumaki." i eyeball her, and she eyeballs me right back. i felt like we were the only people in the world right now, and NOT in a good way. 

"what happened to bolt?" i ask. she fake laughs and walks over to my desk. "bolt was for the sarada who had her heart broken. bolt isn't for the new sarada." she says coldly. i could feel every ounce of fear coming back in me. 

"whatever, sarada." i reply. she glances at me one more time. i knew that glance was fake. i knew this was all a joke. i could practically feel the guilt pouring in her right now. 

i never, EVER call her sarada. it's either salad or princess. and when i do call her sarada, it's in a joke way. not as cold as right now. 

"psh. just go to purple hair pink princess and do something with her." i hear her say. she leaves the classroom. what? purple hair pink princess? 

mitsuki grabs his desk and pushes it foward, sitting right next to me. "holy crap. what happened between you two?" he asks. i shrug and look behind me. cho-cho gave shikadai a note, who gave it to inojin, who gave it to mitsuki, who gave it to me. i opened the note. 

"purple hair pink princess boruto. what did you call sarada 2 weeks ago? princess. purple hair? sumire. she's not letting go of those memories, so all you gotta do is practically "bring her back to life" if you will." -cho cho 

bring her back to life? 

if she didn't like the way she was living then why was she still doing this tough girl act? 

if she hated me then why did she never say so? 

i thought we were best friends? small chance of lovers, but if she liked me wouldn't she say so? 

high school is so complicated. 

i groan and look on the side, and to my surprise, she's in her seat. 

why did you do this to me, sarada? 

author's note -

hey guys! i'm really sorry i didn't post a second time yesterday, i was really busy with homework. i'll make sure to post a second time today! < 3

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series.

word count - 551  

stay safe! mwah mwah. < 3 

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