chapter ten

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sarada's pov

has boruto really forgotten what i looked like? have i really ignored him that much? 

"yes baka, it's me." i say, looking straight into his light blue eyes, bluer than uncle naruto's. he looks back. "where's.. mitsuki?" he asks, smoothing out his hair. 

"not everything's about suki, boruto." i say back, crossing my arms. "i never said it was.. i was just asking 'cause that's what couples do.." he mumbles in a not so quiet voice. hima looks at him and kicks him. "ouch! what was that for?" 

"don't talk about her boyfriend like that onii chan! how can you have perfect grades and not know common sense?!" hima yells, adding on other things i didn't catch. boruto? perfect grades? when auntie hinata said something was wrong with him, i didn't know it'd be THIS BAD. 

"you have perfect grades?" i question, fiddling with my fingers. "yeah sarada! he has a 100 in ALL his classes. mom thought he was cheating at first, but somehow he's not!" hima adds. "it's so weird! it's like he finally got braincells, yet he doesn't know common sense! he didn't even know the day today." she rants. 

normal boruto would fight back, but this boruto just stood there, playing with his fingers. "on a more important note, what're you doing here?" he asks. i shrug. truth or lie? 

"i know this sounds weak, but i was kinda feeling guilty.." i mumble. his eyes widen. "plus we're going to see each other tomorrow, so it's just.. i felt i had to make things right." i add on. i hate admitting my mistakes. mama says i take after papa in that regard. "and you looked really.. upset.. in school." 

"i need to uh.. go water inojin's roses!" hima smiles. "have fun lovebirds! um- i mean, have fun you two!" 

"to my room?" boruto asks. i nod. we go back upstairs as i enter his room. "why is your room so.. clean?" i say, sitting myself on his chair. he sits on his bed. "i've had nothing to do, and sulking isn't very fun after doing it for a month." 

"sulking? why are you sulking?" i say. now i'm actually concerned. sulking? boruto uzumaki sulks now? he shrugs, avoiding my eyes. "bolt, c'mon. we're best friends. best friends tell each other everything.." 

"if we're best friends then why haven't you talked to me until now? it's been atleast 4 months since we actually had a conversation," he snaps. "no offense, please don't get mad. i'm just saying.." 

"i'm not mad baka. if you don't want to tell me, then i can't force you to. it'd just be better if you did." i reply. he plays with his fingers. "have you ever been in love with someone who's not in love with you?" 

"i mean yeah, but i don't sulk about it." 

"that's easy for you to say. i'm in love with someone who's refused to talk to me ever since who knows when. now she's.. probably in love with someone else." 

"that sounds like my situation exactly, bolt." i notice a tear running down on his cheek. "hey, don't cry." i say, wiping the tear off. 

"the girl i'm in love with has a boyfriend. and she's most likely in love with him. we used to be best friends, and now she won't even talk to me. well, actually, until a few moments ago. i can't tell her i'm deeply in love with her, because it'll ruin her happiness and i'll be in hot water with her boyfriend. it would ruin our friendship, not only that, but our friends too." 

is he talking about me? 

author's note: 

hey guys, mia here! i hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series. all rights go to kishimoto. 

word count of the chapter : 610


stay safe! i love you guys so so much! < 3 

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