chapter two

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sarada's pov 

i checked my phone, seeing that i got a message from boruto. i then tossed my phone on my bed. 

you may be wondering, why are you ignoring boruto? i thought he's your best friend? 

boruto is my best friend. we've been best friends for so many years and we're going to be going to high school in less than 2 days. this whole summer i've been avoiding him cause, i may or may not, have had feelings for him since 4th grade? 

"okay sarada, why are you avoiding him if you like him?" 

the dense idiot has never returned my feelings, and i can't tell if it's friendship or flirting anymore. plus, when sumire said she liked him, i just thought it was the best to stay away. hate me all you want, but i'm avoiding SERIOUS drama, so cut me some slack! 

but i can't ignore him forever. 

i groan to myself and pick up my phone. 

(boruto & sarada's messages) 

bolt (boruto) 

hey saladd 

salad (sarada) 

hi boruto

oh am i not bolt anymore? 

read 10:54 am

you can't ignore me forever ya know? i'm walking you to school on monday. 

read 11:06 am

c'mooon salad, if you don't respond i'm gunna come to your house 

okay okay, what do you need? 

are you mad at me saladd 

read 11:23 am

fine im coming over

NO BAKA! i'm not mad at you, i'm just busy 


why did you avoid me all summer? 

oh great. the dreaded question. boruto can read through my lies somehow, which creeps me out. if i don't say it now, he's gunna bug me IN PERSON. 

i didn't baka, i was just busy with a lot of things.

like extra studying, hanging out with the girls, etc. 

okay can i come over pleasee 


no the girls are coming soon. maybe tomorrow? 

ok i love uuu 

read 11:52 am

i hate boruto. this baka acts like a total baby in front of me and the "i love uuu" is the cherry on top. but i still feel a little guilty, ignoring him the whole summer. i did owe him one, but i really didn't want him to come over now, when i JUST GOT OVER HIM. 

cho-cho says i shouldn't feel guilty, but it's hard. take some advice from me, do. not. have. a. crush. on. your. best. friend. 

before i knew it, sumire and cho-cho were at my door. 

authors note :

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series!!

hey guys, mia here!! i hope u enjoyed this chapter.

i will be posting a new chapter everyday (hopefully). i may even post twice a day!

stay safe! i love you all <3

word count of the chapter : 408 words  

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