Chapter XVI

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Jason's pov:

I was having a rather nice dream about Ellie and I before her distressed screams rang through my head, waking me up. It's the middle of the night. I got up and ran over to her, she tossed and turned in her sleep."No, don't touch me! Please! I want to go home!" She screamed frantically in her nightmare.

I put my hands on her arms and held her down on her back. "Ellie it's just a bad dream, wake up." I said calmly.

Sarah began to wake up too. "What the hell is going on." She asked.

"She's having a bad dream and she won't wake up. Can you do something?" I raised my voice.

"Chill out, Jason." She said.

Ellie suddenly woke up and instantly slapped me across the face. I was so started, I let go of her and stepped back. She blinked a few times before looking at Sarah and then back at me. Then she burst out crying, hysterically. Sarah tucked her closely to her body and hugged her. Trying to comfort her she said, "It's okay El, you're safe here."

She continued to sob into Sarah's chest. Sarah looked up at me. "Maybe stay here for the rest of the night." She whispered. I slowly got into the bed and covered us with the blanket. Ellie passed out shortly after that. Probably exhausted from all the crying. Sarah fell asleep too and soon so did I.

Ellie's pov:

I wake up face to face with Sarah still asleep, in front of me. I slightly move a piece of hair out of her face. I smile softly. I scoot back in the bed and bump into something. I panicked so I quickly kicked whatever it was. I turned around and gasped when Jason thudded onto the floor. He groaned in pain, slowly looking up at me.

"Oh shit- I'm so sorry Jason."

"Don't worry Ellie, I love starting my day off by being kicked off of a bed onto the hard ground. Don't you?" He said sarcastically.

"I said I was sorry!"

I could hear someone start to make their way up the stairs.

"Who else is here?" I quickly asked.

"Fuck, it's probably Sarah's parents."

"What?! They are back home?" I whispered.

"Yeah, they probably heard me when you kicked me onto the floor. Just pretend your the one who fell." He whispered back. He slid himself under the bed so he couldn't be seen. I couldn't imagine how that would go.

I quietly got onto the floor. I pretended like I was getting up right as Sarah's mother opened the door. I'm now on my knees with my hands over the edge of the bed.

"Oh hello Elizabeth." She said with a warm smile.

"Hi Mrs. Waterford. Sorry about the unanticipated sleepover."

"Oh that's okay dear, you are always welcome here. I'm glad you two are finally talking again."

"Yeah, me too." I said looking at Sarah.

I feel Jason's hand reach out from underneath the bed. He started to slightly rub my clit through my panties. I closed my legs quickly forcing him to pull his hand out.

"Well, I came up here to see what the loud thud was. Is everything alright?" She asked, seeming actually concerned.

Nancy was the closest thing I've ever had to a mother compared to my real mom. My mom died when I was six years old. That's when my dad started to drink and then everything was always my fault. On the the brighter side, I met Sarah a year before she died. Our mom's were becoming best friends, so she kinda took me under her wing knowing I still needed a mother figure in my life.

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