Chapter XIX

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Ellie's pov:

We finally arrive at the cabin. This looks straight out of a horror movie. Gorgeous cabin in the woods, huge open windows with no curtains. Not a single other house or building for miles. Nobody could possibly find us out here which is pretty terrifying. I'm not supposed to be scared though. The point of coming out here was to feel safe because no one knows where we are, right?

"Are you alright, love?" Jason asks, breaking me from my thoughts.

I divert my gaze from the window to his face. I smile softly and nod. "It's beautiful out here." I say, looking back out the window.

"Well let me show you around." He said. He turns off the car and puts the keys in his pocket. He opens his door and closes it. He quickly runs over to my side and opens my door. He takes my hand and helps me out. He closes the door and swoops me up in bridal style. I squeal and giggle as he walks up the porch, carrying me in his arms. He sets me down gently next to the front door. He reaches into his pocket and takes out his keys. He unlocks the door and tucks the keys back away.

"I'm going to go get the bags real quick."

I nodded. I walked up to the railing on the porch and leaned on it, watching as he walked back to the car. On the way here, we picked up some groceries. I guess because who knows how long we will be here for. Anyway, he let me pick a few of my favorites things. I thought that was sweet. I smiled.

He came back up the porch managing to carry everything in one trip. There wasn't that many bags but it was a lot. I opened the door for him.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be doing that for you." He frowned. I laughed at his silly little remark and followed behind him into the house. I closed the door and turned around in awe.

Jason walked over to the kitchen and began putting things in the fridge and in the cupboards.

"Let me put all this away and then I'll show you around, princess." He said with a chuckle.

He must have seen my exaggerated expression.

Everything is just gorgeous. The color scheme consists of a deep maroon, light grey, and dark brown. The walls are white and all the lights seemed to be dimmed. By the way, the lights turned themselves on, how cool!

I walked over to the kitchen where he was. He was about finished putting the last of the stuff in the fridge. I leaned on the island counter.

Does he cook? He must cook.

"Alright love, I'm done." He says, turning around to face me. He washes his hands and walks over to me.

He reaches for my hand but I go in for a hug instead. I squeeze him tightly. He wraps his arms around my waist as well. I feel safe in his arms. I wish he was like this all the time..

I pull back and say, "Thank you for bringing me here, Jason."

"Of course." He smiled before grabbing for my hand again. We locked our fingers together. He started to lead me around. He showed me the living room first, which has a massive tv. Then the dining room that was right next to the living room. He then brought me to the hall with a few doors. The first one on the left is a bathroom. The second room on the left is recreational room. It has a pool table and a mini bar. When we left the room, we skipped the door at the end of the hall. It was a big dark red door. It's a little ominous. Maybe he's saving the best for last..

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