Chapter XII

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Jason's pov:

It was the end of the day, school had just ended. Everyone was walking out of the front doors where I saw Ellie pushing past everyone. She was slowly making her way back towards the lockers. Must of forgot something. I caught up to her and asked, "Hey, where are you going?"

"I forgot something in my locker, just wait outside I'll be quick." She said quickly.

"I'll just come with you."

"No, go wait outside Jason!" She yelled, pushing past a crowd of people leaving me unable to follow behind her.

Ellie's pov:

I ran quickly around the corner of the hallway hoping to loose him in the crowd. I was walking quickly and looking behind me when I ran into someone in front of me, falling back onto my butt. I whimpered, still a bit sore from the punishment a few days ago.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I say quickly turning my head back to see Dalton standing in front of me.

I could feel the color from my face start to drain. I backed up slowly, still on the ground.

"It's been a minute since I've seen you babygirl. I think it's time we have a little reunion. Don't you think?" He said as he pulled me towards him by my leg. I shook my head, too shocked to say a word. My skirt rode up revealing my soaked panties from earlier events in the closet. I pushed him away but he grabbed a hold of my neck, squeezing it tight.

"You're already so wet for daddy. You're my dirty little whore." He smirked. He took his other hand and started choking me. I tried to separate his tightly gripped fingers, but it seemed impossible. I started to feel lightheaded and passed out.

Jason's pov:

I finally got past all the people and made it around the corner. I looked around and spotted Ellie's backpack laying on the ground. I quickly ran up to it and noticed a note on it.

It said:
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| find us at where it all began. |
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My face had gone red, full of anger, as I realized who and where he took her. I picked up her backpack and started to run to the shack.

Ellie's pov:

I woke up and started breathing heavily, holding my neck whilst looking around. This place was too familiar, which wasn't comforting. I looked at Dalton sitting on the couch. I opened my mouth and tried to speak but I lost my voice due to the recent blockade to my damn throat.

I was furious.

"I thought your outfit was cute, so I left your clothes on." He mentioned. "Plus it's snowing outside now, so I thought you probably will need your clothes.

Oh how generous of you. Fucking bastard..

He stood up, resulting me to almost instinctively back away from him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me firmly towards him. "Just cooperate and it'll all be over." He said in a husky tone.

I spit in his face making him quite infuriated. He pulled my ass over the side of the bed and impatiently pushed up my skirt and yanked down my panties. "I heard your Daddy loves to beat you, huh?" He asked me, pulling my hair back.

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