Chapter I

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Ellie's pov:


I slam my hand down on the alarm causing it to stop going off. Ugh it's so early, I don't want to get up.

I get up and stretch. After making my bed I walk over to my dresser and grab a bra and panties. I set them on the bed and then I walked over to my closet and grabbed a white blouse, and a faded but new looking baby blue skirt. I set them on top of my bra and panties.

I slipped on my slippers and walked into the living room. Laying on the couch is my passed out dad, of course with a beer bottle in his hand. Nothing new.

I tip toe over to him and slowly grab the bottle out of his hand, but he suddenly wakes up and slaps me across the face causing me to drop the bottle. The glass shattered and it's everywhere on the floor.

I whimpered, holding my cheek.

He looks up at me rolls his eyes, sighing loudly as he gets up. He stumbles into the kitchen and opens the fridge. Probably searching for another beer.

"Clean that up now." He ordered.

"Yes sir."

With my head down and my cheek burning, I walk over to the closet with the cleaning supplies and I grabbed the broom. I start to sweep up the glass into the broom tray. I pick up the tray and dump all the glass into the garbage can, and then put the broom away.

"I'm sorry.." I said, still with my head down.

"It's okay sweetie, come here." He said with open arms.

I walked over to him and hugged him.

When he let go, I went into the bathroom and took off all my clothes and put them in the laundry basket. I look in the mirror at my body and see how red my cheek is. I turn on the shower and get in. So cooooold..

15 minutes later

I get out of the shower and wrap myself with my towel. I walk into my room and get dressed. I brush my hair and do my light makeup routine like every day. I put on my shoes. After picking up my backpack I look at myself in my mirror and fix my hair a little bit.

I walked out of my room, heading towards the kitchen. I grabbed a mozzarella string cheese stick from the fridge and started peeling it.

"I'm going to school now daddy, bye!"

"Bye!" He said.

15 minutes later

I got to school. Finally. I ran up to my boyfriend, James, and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and kissed me.

"How are you baby?" He asked.

"I'm good." I lied
"How are you?"

"I'm really great actually." He said.

Our friends joined us and we all talked, until the bell rang.

That's the warning bell, sigh.

"James I gotta go put my backpack away, I'll see you in class." I told him with a smile.

"Okay." He said.

I ran to my locker and put everything away and grabbed my science books. I walked over to my science class and waited for James to come in with me. He walked up to me and we both walked in and sat down.

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