Chapter IV

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Ellie's pov:

I woke up to my stomach growling. I looked over at my clock on my bedside table and noticed it was way past my alarm.

OH MY GOSH! Why didn't my alarm go off?

I bolted out of bed quickly and threw a dress on. I did my makeup and fixed my hair. I grabbed my backpack and rushed to school.

15 minutes later

I got to school an hour and a half late.


I got my tarty slip and brought it to my gym teacher, which is my second class. I changed into my gym clothes, white shorts and a large t-shirt, and walked over to this group of people.

"The seniors are going to be joining us for the arrangement of the assembly today that is replacing everyone's advisory classes." The gym teacher said.

We all sighed because the seniors usually mock us for being freshman's. I didn't care much though. I just wanted to get it over with already. We were beginning to set up the bleachers when the seniors arrived. That's when I saw them, Dalton and Jason coming in with the others.

They're seniors?! I have to get out of here.

I walked over to the girls locker room but one of the coach's noticed and called me out.

"Elizabeth, where are you going?" The coach asked in front of everyone.

"To the bathroom." I asked, walking into the locker room.

I walked into one of the changing rooms and closed the curtain. I sat on the bench and started crying. I heard footsteps so I held my mouth shut and tried my hardest to cry silently. The curtain was suddenly ripped open and I screamed at the sight of Dalton in front of me. Jason stood behind him.

"Oh are you scared of me? Well you should be." Dalton said, coming closer to me.

I managed to get past him and I walked over to the exit but Jason grabbed me by the arm.

"Where do you think your going babygirl?" Dalton asked.

"No let me go! HELP!" I screamed.

Dalton covered my mouth and pulled me over to a bench in the locker room. He slammed me down over the end of the bench and held me down. Jason came over to help him.

"Jason please, help me!" I begged.

Jason grabbed a towel and stuffed it in my mouth. Dalton slid off my shorts and noticed the belt marks on my butt.

"What happened to you?" Dalton asked in what sounded like a concerned tone.

I started crying harder.

"Whatever." Dalton said, while sliding down my panties and stuffing his cock into my tight pussy.

I bit down hard on the towel and moaned in pain. He picked up the pace, starting to thrust hard into me. I struggled to get out of their grip, but it was three times as strong now with Jason holding me down. I heard footsteps coming into the locker room. I looked over and saw one of my old friends; Sarah. She looked at me and then Jason and Dalton.


Dalton pulled out immediately and pushed me off the bench, causing me to fall on my ass. I took the towel out of my mouth.

Damn that fucking hurt..

They both ran out of the back door and slammed it shut behind them. I pulled up my panties and my shorts and backed into a corner.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Sarah asked, running over to me.

"I- um.. I-" I couldn't get anything out. I just broke down crying even more.

She held me close and rocked me back and forth. She rubbed my back and moved my hair out of my face. Sarah is the only one who knows what my daddy does to me. I don't know what happened between us.

I'm sorry for the short chapter again.
More updates coming soon!

669 words 😌

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