Chapter XX

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Ellie's pov:

I wake up to the sun shining bright through the curtains. I look over to my left to see Jason still asleep. I smile. I sit up and look around. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He says, startling me with his hot groggy morning voice. He pulls me on top of him and tickles me a bit.

"Stop it!" I giggle. I grab his hands and push them above him onto the pillow. I caught him by surprise him with the move I executed. I let go of his hands, whilst laughing at his reaction. I kiss him softly and he smiles.

"Good morning to you too." I say. "How long have you been laying awake for?" I ask.

"About an hour." He replies.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

"How bout some breakfast first?" He asks.

I nod and smile. He sits up with me still sitting on his lap. He begins to kiss my neck, trailing his kisses down to my boobs making me giggle. This nightgown really complements my cleavage. I grind on his member. I can feel it harden and grow underneath me. "Naughty little girl. No teasing." He orders. I pout and roll my eyes. Obviously bad move. He pushes me down onto my back and wraps his hand around my throat. "No ma'am." I laugh in his face and bite my lip. This is turning me on even more. "Oh, you think I'm playing? Go to the playroom right now and wait for me." He says sternly, releasing his hand from my neck.

"I was just joking around." I say, sitting up.

"I don't care, you don't disrespect me." He says, getting up.

I roll my eyes again as I got up.

This is ridiculous.

Thankfully he didn't see it that time because it wasn't intentional. I walked towards the door of his room. I look over my shoulder to see what he was doing before I walked out. He was just making his bed. I skipped down the hall and waited at the door of the playroom since it's locked. I hear him come down the hallway. I turn around and see that he has put on a light grey t-shirt, some distressed jeans and a hardy belt. I look at him but he doesn't even acknowledge me. "Someone's grumpy." I say under my breath. He sighs deeply. He pulls his keys out from his pocket and unlock the door. He gestures me inside and slams the door shut behind us. I jump. Why is he so pissed?

He takes off his shirt and puts it on a small table near the door. He sets his keys on top of his shirt. I stand awkwardly waiting for my next instruction. He walks over to the saddle.

"Come here." He orders.

I walk over to him. He picks me up and sets me onto it. He bounds my arms and legs to it. He walks off to somewhere behind me. I can hear him grab something. He walks back to me. My ass is off the edge in spanking position. I assumed that's what my fucking punishment is going to be. He pushes my nightgown up and rubs my bottom. He comes down on me with what feels like a wooden cane. I screamed.. but the intense sting felt so amazing. He struck me again, this one burned more. He continued to whip me more and more.

This is making me wet..

"More please." I say with a wide grin.

I could feel my ass start to turn crimson. I clenched my restraints tightly and moaned loudly when the next lashing occurred. He stopped for a moment. Is he noticing how wet I am? He walks in front of me and asks,

"Ellie, are you aroused?"

"Yes daddy." I bite my lip and giggle.

He watched my reaction as he lays another into me. I look into his eyes and moan. "It burns so good daddy. I want more." I groan. His eyes widen. He walks back behind me. I can barely see over my shoulder, but I see him searching for something. He comes back with something in his hand. It a long silver silver plug. It has three large teardrop like shapes, each one gets noticeably bigger.

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