Chapter IX

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Ellie's pov:

"Sarah?" I called out.

I heard talking outside of the room, but I couldn't hear who it was or what they were saying. I got up and out of the bed, realizing how sore my ass was when I stood up. I walked up to Sarah's long mirror. I turned around and looked back as I carefully slid down my sweats. I wasn't wearing any underwear. Who dressed me? My ass is black, blue, and purple with little hints of red. This is going to take a while to heal.

The door opened and I turned my head quickly to see Jason, his eyes went straight to my ass. I pulled up my pants, ignoring the pain it caused me. He looked away, clearing his throat to say, "Um you should probably sit down, we have to talk."

"Was that a joke? How do you expect me to sit?" I said, not realizing that I said that with an attitude.

"You should be thanking me for saving you. Not bitching because I forgot about your ass."

"How could you "forget"? You watched me get beat and then you humiliated me in front of my own dad. I would have thanked you if you had the balls to show up quicker!" I yelled at him, fighting back the tears.

He walked up to me and grabbed me by the throat and told me, "Maybe I liked seeing you tied up and beaten. I have a very short temper, don't piss me the fuck off. You really have some nerve little girl."

Did he just say he liked to see me tied up and beaten..?

"If you i-insist I'm a little girl.. Why do you continue- To h-hurt me?" I managed to say with what little breath I was taking in. My eyes filling with tears.

Without saying anything else he moved me closer to the bed and threw me on it. I whimpered in pain after landing on my butt. I got off and stood up quickly.

"Jason, you can choose not to hurt me. You don't have to listen to whatever Dalton tells you to do."

"I don't listen to him! Can't you see that I want to do it? The evil part of me puts these thoughts in my head. It makes me want to do horrible things to you. I can't help but to give into the temptation." He said, coming closer to me.

"Fight it! Please! At least for a few days. I can't handle anymore pain and suffering. I refuse to believe that you're all evil." I plead as he comes closer. I can feel his breath on my face. He kissed my neck, grabbing my waist to make sure I couldn't escape. Everything inside of me was telling me to fight and run away from him, but it was like I couldn't.

"Teach me how to be gentle" He whispered into my ear as he pulled one strap of my tank top off my shoulder.

"What if I don't want you to be." I whispered.

"Your tempting me Ellie, I thought you didn't wan-" I kissed him, cutting him off.

He grabbed my face, and started kissing me too. He then proceeded to toss me lightly onto Sarah's bed making me face him. He took off his shirt revealing his 6 pack. Fuck, Jason's actually really hot. He pulled my legs to the edge of my bed and turned me over onto my stomach. I gripped the bed thinking he would spank me. I could feel his fingers lifting up my ass, then to only slowly and carefully take off my sweats. I flinched at the touch of his fingers on my ass. He gently touched around all of the marks and bruises, slowly rubbing around my entrance. He stopped and I looked back to see him sticking his two fingers in his mouth.

I bit my lip at the thought of what he was going to do next. I can't believe I'm letting him do this. He took his fingers out of his mouth and started to rub my pussy.

Jason's pov:

Oh how her sweet moans make my cock even harder.  I spread her pussy lips with my fingers and and slid one in, waiting for her moans. I quickly slid another one in and then started to finger her slowly at first.

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