Chapter XXI

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Ellie's pov:

I woke up? I must have fallen asleep.. I stood up and groaned in pain. What's new. I reached behind me and pulled out the butt plug. Oh that feels so much better. I put it in the bathroom sink. I took a very quick shower since I really didn't earlier and I shave everything. I opened the bathroom door. I see Jason sleeping ever so soundly on his bed. I close the door behind me and quietly walked past him out of his room. I walk to my room and entered the closet. I took off my towel and wrapped my hair in it. Then I pick out a very sexy bodysuit. It looks like it's never been worn before. The gorgeous white lace fabric hugs my body in all the right places. Little embroidered flowers are sewed throughout it. I decide to pair a short white flowy skirt with it. I know this will look lovely together. I look in the full-length mirror and notice bruises scattered around my hips, a few creeping down my thighs. I turn around to look at my butt. More bruises and deep marks, from the cane. I tug on my skirt and walk out of the closet.

I didn't know he was being that rough. It just felt normal. Fuck listen to yourself.. None of it is normal.

I make my wake to the kitchen. I notice the toast is popped out ready to be grabbed. I forgot he didn't even make breakfast. I look at the big analog clock on the wall. It's 4 pm?! Wow. I took the toast out and put it on a plate. I open the fridge and grab some butter and the egg carton. I still wanted something breakfast like even though it's almost dinner time. I spread butter on the toast and pop the plate in the microwave. I set the timer for two minutes. I crack two eggs onto a pan and put the pan on the stove. I like my eggs scrambled on buttered toast. It's so delicious.

I look over at the timer, it's at 1:30 now. I push the eggs around on the pan. I feel familiar warm hands rub the sides of my arms. I tense up, knowing it's Jason. "Mmm eggs sound appetizing, could you make me some too?" He asks sleepily.

"Don't think I have a choice." I say.

"Mmm." He mutters. "How is your ass feeling?" He asks, pulling up my skirt. He gives me a painful slap across the ass. I groan, in annoyance. Great start to the evening.

The microwave goes off. He opens it and take the plate out. He picks up one of my bread slices and takes a bite. I turn to face him and give him a dirty look. "What I'm hungry?" He whines. I snatch it from him and put it back onto my plate. I turn back towards the stove and continue to stir my eggs around. They're starting to scramble.

"You look like an angel, baby." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist in an embrace. I could tell he was smiling. I couldn't help but crack a slight smile too.

"Go sit down at the table while I finish up cooking." I say.

I finish cooking my eggs and I quickly whip up his. I bring them to the table. I poured us some orange juice too. Before I start eating he grabs my hand. He averts eye contact before saying,

"Ellie, I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning. You didn't deserve the punishment or how I treated you in the shower."

"It's okay, Jason." I say with a fake smile.

"I lost control again.. Please forgive me." He begs, regardless of what I just told him.

I pull my hand away. "Listen, I know your sorry but it doesn't change everything you've done. It doesn't take away the damage it's done to me mentally."

"I know baby, you don't know how-"

"How sorry you are. Yeah I know." I say, cutting him off. I get up and walk over to the window. I stare out into the forest and begin to break down. I'm so sick of it all.

"Please come back and eat Ellie. We don't have to talk about it." He says.

"I've lost my appetite." I lie trying to hold back more tears.

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