Chapter III

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Ellie's pov:

I closed the door behind me and quickly set my backpack down on the floor.

"Daddy, I can explain.." I said tearing up.

"You can explain when you are bent over my knee." He said.

"No please, I have had a terrible day, just please let me explain." I cried.

I really had no idea what excuse to make though. Oh god and the blood is running further down my thigh now.

"You know that you have to come home on time, there is absolutely no excuse for this."

"I-I need to use the bathroom!" I said running past him straight to the bathroom. I slammed the door shut behind me and locked it. I turned on the sink and grabbed a towel. I washed all the blood off and threw the towel in the hamper.

He busted open the door and yelled, "You're not even doing anything in here. Get by the couch now!" He yelled pointing out the door.

"Don't make me use the belt." He said with an angry tone.

I quickly walked out of the bathroom and stood next to the couch. I put my hands behind my back and waited.

What if he notices the marks? What will he say or do to me?

He sat on the couch and put his belt down on the coffee table. When he was ready he patted his lap.

"Bend over." He ordered.

"Please, I swear it won't happen again."

"NOW!" He yelled.

I bent over his knee, causing my skirt to ride up. He slapped my left cheek, then my right. About five slaps on each cheek later, it started to slightly hurt.

He started to slap my butt harder now.

Twenty more slaps on both my cheeks and now my ass was really starting to hurt.

"Daddy I've learned my lesson, please stop." I begged him.

"No, I don't think you did." He said, pulling down my skirt, exposing my panties that are a bit soaked from earlier.

"We wouldn't have to be here in this situation if you just got home on time." He said sternly.

He started spanking me hard now, every slap burned on my cheeks.

"Please, you don't have to spank me anymore!"I said, starting to cry.

He ignored me continuing to slap each cheek very hard now. My whimpers grew louder.

I was crying and trying to get off of his lap. He held me tight and took off my panties.

"Why are they wet?" He asked.

"I-I-I don't know..." I whispered.

He put them down.

"I thought you were an innocent girl, I guess not. I guess my daughter is a little slut! Is that why you didn't come home on time?!" He yelled.

"N-no! Daddy please don't be mad.. I didn't do that." I said with fear, knowing he would only hit my ass harder.

"I don't believe you. Your such a dirty slut!!" He yelled, spanking my ass harder as I screamed and cried.

"Please stop!"

I drifted off into a daydream..

"What? Do you want this instead?!" He said.

Daddy stuffed a finger in my pussy and started fingering me.

"W-w-what are you doing?" I asked, while squirming around.

"Isn't this what you wanted? You even shaved for him, your such a little slut!" He said, fingering me faster.

"Ohh fuck.." I whispered.

"You like that?"

Why do I like it.. Why does it feel so good..?

I started to cum on his finger.

"Did you cum? Already? Even your mom was never that fast." He asked, laughing.

"I- um"

"It doesn't matter, go to your room, NOW!" He yelled, taking out his finger.

I started drifting out of the daydream..

Why was I daydreaming about that..?

I suddenly snapped back into reality because of the feeling of a familiar belt whip my ass. I screamed and kicked begging him to stop.

"Daddy please stop! I didn't have sex! I swear!"

He ignored me, continuing to beat my butt over and over again. Tears were streaming down my cheek. Every whip of the belt felt more painful then the last.

5 minutes later

"Okay, I think you've learned the reason why you got a punishment. Am I correct?" He asked firmly.

"Yes sir, I have learned my lesson." I said, while wiping my tears and catching my breath.

"You will not do it again, am I correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay now give daddy a hug." He said, standing up with open arms.

I stood up slowly and pulled up my skirt. My butt hurts so much.. I hugged daddy and looked down. He stepped back and said;

"You aren't eating anything tonight. You've been a bad girl. Now go to your room!" He ordered me.

"Yes sir."

I grabbed my panties and quickly ran over to my room. I decided to go into the bathroom instead. I got undressed and noticed a few bruises on my body. Those are probably from Dalton. I turned around and gasped at the sight of how red my butt is. I could see the outlines of the belt marks, they were starting to get a bit purple.

How am I supposed to sit down tomorrow?

I got in the shower and let the cold water run down my body. I couldn't help but think why this would happen to me.

Why me?

Short chapter I know, sorry!
I hope you liked it though :)

913 words 😌

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