Chapter XXIII

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Ellie's pov:

I get flipped over by Bill. I open my eyes and realize I am not dreaming. I try to fight him, kicking and screaming as he tries to enter me again. He manages to hold my legs still enough to enter me. He slowly pushes his member in and out of me. I had forgotten how thick he is. I could really feel him stretching me. It felt good, I can't help to feel turned on.

"Oh kitten, I don't know how you are still so tight. Don't worry, I'll be gentle with your little body." He says, grabbing at my perky breasts.

He leans over me, licking my nipples. He slides into me by a few more inches, making me moan right into his ear. "Your nipples are so hard and tasty." He says, starting to pump into me a little faster now. I furrow my eyebrows. He gropes my tits. "Oh fuck, yes.."

"She's starting to enjoy it." Kade says to Jason.

"Come on, be rougher with her." Dalton says.

"Sorry in advance." Bill whispers to me.

He begins to pound my wetness. He stuffs his fingers in my mouth. I suck on them a little before he takes them out. He brings them down to my pussy. He rubs my folds before pushing them apart to get to my clit. He rubs my clit in fast circles, helping me to my climax. His member pulses inside me, I can tell he's about to cum. He thrusts harder, making me whimper. My moans increase in speed along with his thrusting hips. He knows how to fuck me good and it's so hot. I roll my eyes back as he explodes inside of me, his hot cum filling me up. I have a screaming orgasm, but he doesn't stop. He pounds me harder with his cum covered cock. I tug at the blanket beneath us. It's soaking up all our sweat from this intense workout. I can't keep myself together. I cum again easily, because I'm so sensitive. He smiles before slowing down. Bill pulls out of me and gives my clit a lick, making my legs quiver.

Dalton gets on the bed and lay's down bare. He motions me to come closer. "Lick it and look at Jason." He orders me. I turn around, my ass facing Dalton. I grab his dick and begin to lick it. I look directly into Jason's eyes as I lick the head. Dalton soon pushes my head down, ushering me to suck it. I wrap my mouth around the head and begin slowly sucking. I make sure to keep eye contact with Jason. He tries to look away but Kade doesn't let him. I take in a few more inches into my mouth and I intensely increase the pace of which I'm sucking. Dalton groans. Then he grabs my ass, pulling my body over his. It surprised me. He pulls me backwards a bit and starts licking my clit. I pause to look, taken back by his actions. He slaps my ass hard.

"Did I tell you to stop?"

"Oh, no sir.. Sorry sir." I say, beginning to suck harder.

"Good girl." He breathed heavily.

He moves onto sucking my clit. It gets intense very fast and I start to moan once again. I grab onto his legs, trying to steady myself. I squeeze his legs as he works his tongue like a mad man. My sucking turns into uncontrollable messy slobbers because of how hard I am trying not to make it seem like he's pleasing me. His warm pulsing cock suddenly shoots a hot load down my throat. I pull my head back almost choking on his cum. He pushes the other half of me off his face like he discarded a plate after finishing the food. I sit up on my knees. He too sits up and pulls me close with a tight grip on my jaw.

"Open." He commands.

I open my mouth. He looks inside probably seeing his cum dripping off the roof of my mouth and the rest trailing down my throat. He forcibly closes it and says, "Swallow."

I swallow and gulp.

"Good girl." He pauses. "Now get on top of me." I climb onto him and wait for further instructions.

"Guide my dick inside of your pussy and ride me." He orders.

"Yes sir."

I hold his dick in place and sink down onto it. It slides right into me easily. Dalton starts to fuck me quite fast, right off the bat. I groan, his balls slams rapidly against my skin at the rate he's going. I groan loudly, regretting every decision I have ever made with Jason. I fucking hate him.

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