Chapter XXII

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Ellie's pov:

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Jason yells from across the room. He's tied to a chair positioned by the bed. One guy walks over to me and pulls me by the hair to the left side of the bed. I collect myself quickly and crawl onto the bed. My hands are tied together with rope, which made it difficult. A second guy walks over to the right of me and the third comes from the middle. They corner me in and then the second guy grabs me.

He pulls me towards the edge, then trying to pull out his dick. I try to crawl away but the guy on the right of the bed grabs my arms and holds them down. "No, no please!" I scream.

"I swear to god, I will fucking kill you all!"

"Really? From this position your in? Good luck with that. All you can really do is watch as we take turns using her until she's useless and we don't need her anymore. Then the only one who's going to die is Elizabeth." The third man says, holding Jason's jaw in place forcing him to watch as one of them slams into my entrance forcibly. I bury my face into the bed and scream and cry.

"How much money do you want? I can get you anything. You can kill me. Just please don't hurt her anymore." Jason pleads.

"Oh we have exactly what we want." He grins.

Waking up from my dream...

"No!!" I scream, sitting up. I pull my knees to my chest and hug them. I begin to cry. "But you said I was safe.." I whispered.

"Baby? What's going on? It's four in the morning." Jason asks, rubbing my back.

"Am I really safe here?" I ask quietly.

"Yes, I promise." He assured me.

"B-b-but my dream.. people where here. They hurt me and made you watch." I say, looking at him.

"It was just a nightmare, let's just go back to sleep, alright Ellie?"

"It felt real. It hurts my body when I think about it." I say, clenching my stomach. "What if it's going to happen Jason?"

"What? Are you saying you think it's like a premonition or something?"


"There's just no way that could happen. No one knows we are here let alone where here is." He tries again to reassure me.

I don't say anything. I just sigh deeply. I wipe my tears, sniffling.

"Lay back down darling. It's okay."

I lay down and turn on my side, facing him. He moves the hair in my face behind my ear. He kisses my nose making me giggle. "I love you." He says softly.

I scooch closer to him. I kiss his lips gently. He kisses me more passionately. He takes his hand under the sheets and moves it up my leg. He grabs my ass through my pants. "I don't really want to.." I whisper.

"How about I just pleasure you." He says, going down under the blanket.

"I-I um.." I stutter.

I pull the covers up over my head to watch as he pulls off my sweats. He pushes them off the bed and then spreads my legs apart. He pulls my panties to the side. He looks up at me under the sheets and smiles before looking back down. He spread my lips and rubbed my clit slowly. I simultaneously moaned from his touch. He begins to lick it. He directed his eyes to mine and watched as my expression change when he started to suck on my clit. I moan extremely loud. I reach down and hold his head, especially grasping onto his hair. I'm going to cum already. He reaches his right hand up my shirt and grabs my boob. My moans increase while he speeds up. "Ohh fuck, I'm so close." I whimper. He keeps up at the same pace making me orgasm so hard. My legs shake followed by a few sweet moans. I feel my cum drip out of me, he licks me clean. He looks up and smiles.

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