Chapter VI

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Ellie's pov:

"Hey El, wake up. I have some food for you, you should eat something." Sarah said in a low tone, gently shaking me awake.

"I don't wanna eat." I groaned. I rolled over onto my stomach, getting all tangled in the blanket.

"Well you haven't ate lunch, I doubt you even ate breakfast so come on, get up. You're going to eat this."

"Ugh, fine." I rolled back over and sat up, untangling myself from the blanket.

Sarah handed me a plate with a turkey and cheese sandwich, some sliced apples and peanut butter, and a glass of orange juice.

"Eat up!" She said. Sitting down besides me.

"So what time is it?" I asked while taking a bite into the sandwich.

"4:37... am" Sarah said.


"No, I'm joking." She said laughing at me.

I sighed in relief and finished my food.

"Okay I'm done eating. Let me go put this away." I told Sarah.

I quickly ran into the kitchen and cleaned the plate and the cup. I put them away and walked back over to my bedroom. I slowly opened the door and saw Sarah bent over something. Her skirt rolled up from bending over. I could see her panties.

"H-hey, what are you doing?" I asked her closing the door behind me.

She turned around and gently held me up against the wall away from the window. She put her index finger on my lips signaling me to shush. We were so close I could feel her breath on my lips.

I suddenly hear a banging on my window. My eyes widened and I wanted so desperately to look out and see what it was. Sarah didn't let me budge though. Whatever it was only banged once. A few minutes went by and Sarah stepped away from me and peeked out through the blinds.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"I don't know, I don't see anything." She whispered back hesitantly.

She stepped away from the window and sat on my bed.

"It was probably a tree branch or something." She said.

"Are you sure Sarah?"


I laid down next to her. She laid down too and looked over at me. She stared into my eyes. She's so beautiful..

I started drifting into a daydream...

I tucked her hair behind her ear and leaned in for a kiss. Sarah immediately kissed me before I even got close to her face. She stopped for a second and then started to kiss me more. It felt so passionate. She giggled a little which made me a little confused. I pulled away and I asked;

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to do this for so long."

"You wanted to kiss me? I'm honestly surprised."

"I have always had a little crush on you Ellie." Sarah said with a smile.

I started drifting out of the daydream...

I looked over at Sarah. She had fallen asleep now. She looks so perfect. I wonder why I'm thinking this way about her. Its not right. I have a boyfriend. I don't like girls, I don't think.

I need some air.

I got up slowly and tiptoed quietly out of my room. I closed the door and walked outside onto the porch. I stared out into the nearby forest. I closed my eyes and listened to the birds chirping and the frogs croaking.

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