Chapter XVIII

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Ellie's pov:

I wake up on Jason's bed and it's now pitch black outside. How long have I slept for? I begin to sit up on the bed. I feel instant pain coming from my butt and shooting down my legs. I get off the bed quickly. Everything hurts so bad..

I walk out of the room and look around. I don't see Jason anywhere. I look in the bathroom just to make sure he was really gone. Sure enough he is nowhere in sight. I breath in deeply feeling almost scared to let the air back out. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I didn't see any food so I just grabbed a water bottle. I sighed and closed it. I walked over to the window and drink the water. I look out of the window and think to myself. What the hell am I still doing here? I can leave while he's disappeared to who knows where.

I rush to the door and unlock it. I close it and look out over the railing. I don't see his car which is a good sign. I begin to walk down the flight of stairs. I pull my hoodie over my head. Halfway down the stairs I look up and notice a familiar looking group of guys. They are kinda walking towards me but they don't see me yet. One of them looks up from his phone at me and stares at me for a solid few seconds as if he is trying to place my face. I finally realize that they are the group that was gathered below the window, watching what Jason was doing to me earlier. I start to slowly back up the stairs and turn away.

"Hey, I think that's the girl from the window!"

I hurry up the stairs and they follow after me.

"Where you going pretty girl?" They tease, running up the stairs.

I open Jason's apartment door and slam it close behind me, fumbling with the locks trying so desperately to lock any and all of them. I'm overwhelmingly flustered and scared, I couldn't focus on locking the damn door. The door suddenly barged open and I stumble backwards. "P-please don't hurt me!" I beg, bursting into tears. I back up slowly as they flood through the door.

There are six of them. They all look between the ages of nineteen and twenty-four. They look so eager to get their hands on my body. I can see it in their lustful eyes.

"Don't be scared. It won't be rough unless you make a big fuss. Just be a good girl, won't you?" One of them says.

I hear the front door close making me think. I could escape through the window in Jason's room. I quickly turn around and begin to run towards the door but I feel hands wrap around me. I get yanked backwards by my waist. I try to fight them off as they bring me down onto the ground. "No, no please stop!" I helplessly scream. Two guys hold me down on my back by my arms and legs. I scream while one struggles to take my hoodie off. I look down and watch as a few of their jaws drop at the sight of my tits bouncing out. I instantly feel sick and disgusted to my stomach. The guy holding my legs lets go and tries to pull down my sweats. I kick him in the balls making him stumble over. I managed to get up on my knees before two other guys practically tackle me back to the ground. Now I'm on my stomach. They finally take off my sweatpants. My whole body is exposed now since I wasn't wearing anything else underneath those clothes. The guy who I kicked gets back onto his knees. He gets close behind me. I look over my shoulder at him and the rest of the guys staring at my body.

"Such a gorgeous little thing." He smirks, grabbing my ass and slapping it harshly. I squirm around.

"Don't fucking touch me."

"Oh we've got ourselves a feisty one boys. Gotta make sure to treat these ones with a little bit of pleasure.." He pauses. He pulls my ass up into doggy style. He leans forward and begins to lick my pussy. I uncontrollably moan. I don't mean to, but it's so hard to resist when someone licks down there. "..then with a lot more pain." He growls as he slams his thick cock in my shrunken asshole.

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