Chapter 2

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Language barrier isn't the only thing that comes in your way when you live in a country away from your homeland. Mashiho understands it just as well as any other Japanese person living in Korea would. Everything is different, from clothing and food to just simple gestures. Even if you live here for years, you still would find something new once in a while, it's a thing that only the native people can gain, a profound knowledge on own culture without even giving much effort. Even so, Mashiho loves the new culture and cherishes every bit of it not only to make living in Korea easier, but also to realize the beauty that lies in a different culture.

Coming to Korea wasn't needed for Mashiho but he volunteered. Mashiho's father runs a company in Japan which opened a branch in Korea some months ago. As a son of the head of the company, even though not of age, Mashiho showed interest in the Korean branch. Many may think it's his way of claiming the future authority over the branch but the reason wasn't necessarily that, Mashiho just wanted to explore a different world, so he used the opportunity to fly to Korea. Luckily for Mashiho, three other Japanese guys were looking for a fellow countryman as a roommate all the way in Korea and Mashiho took the offer because he didn't want to go to Korea to live in a luxury apartment arranged by his father surrounded by plenty of Japanese people. He wanted an ordinary life with ordinary people.

The first day Mashiho came to Korea, he was accompanied by a man of his father as a guide all the way to his apartment where three other Japanese guys were waiting for him. After bidding the guide goodbye, Mashiho entered into the room where three strangers live, with whom he's soon to form an unforgettable bond. Why? Because he was greeted with warmth as soon as he entered inside the apartment. Everyone of his family used to be busy, so he kind of grew up alone, with lots of opportunities, yes, but not with much warmth. So when three random people welcomed him with genuine smile plastered on their faces, Mashiho felt like home.

It took not long to figure out who was called what and how they were like. The oldest one was Yoshinori, in short Yoshi. A kind and gentle guy usually, tries hard to make jokes but fails, is surprisingly good at every small task. Yoshi has quite the looks. The second one is Asahi, a dude with a handsome poker face. He doesn't talk much usually, but when he does, he turns into an extra crackhead. Staying with Asahi is fun this way. The youngest of them was the tallest, the most handsome and with the deepest voice, Haruto. Mashiho can tell he's been a heartthrob for a long time. But Haruto is actually a softie, a crybaby, but a responsible kid in need. All of them came to Korea to fulfill their dreams. For Haruto and Yoshi, it is to become famous models. The two of them used to be neighbors since their childhood. Knowing that Yoshi has the same dream as him, Haruto wanted to leave for Korea along with Yoshi. They have an age gap of four years so when Haruto agreed to leave Japan along with Yoshi to fulfill his dreams, he was younger than usual. Since then, Yoshi has been playing the role of a guardian for Haruto and Mashiho can feel that every now and then. As for Asahi, the dream is to compose and write songs for artists that would gain him recognition for his talent and also give him a proper job. Since Korea is famous for music worldwide, Asahi decided to study music in a Korean school before finally auditioning. Mashiho just hopes that all of their dreams would come true one day.

As per convenience, Mashiho chose a nearby school to attend to. Since he was a senior exchange student, he just wanted the year to end without any trouble so that he can study for college at ease. But boy was he wrong! He found chaotic classmates, hectic routine and lots of homework and assignments. Just when Mashiho was barely able to manage his daily life, a comedic and chaotic duo evaded his already exhausted life. It happened when one day, Jihoon noticed someone known as Mashiho cuter than Junkyu in the front row and started bothering Junkyu about it, resulting in both of them to approach the said 'cutie' to check out whether he's cute from up close or not. It goes without saying that Mashiho felt weird, but strangely he did not feel repelled, rather he felt the bickering funny and soon after sometime, joined them. After some days of being with those two from time to time, Mashiho was officially declared as a member of the group when he was invited to eat lunch with Jihoon's brother and his friend along with the other two. He felt great, having his own little squad in such a short time. He loved his little group so much that returning home, he always talked about his little squad to his roommates. It is only natural for the roommates to be curious about how chaotic and fun the squad actually is, so they decided to have their own get together having Yoshi's birthday as an occasion.

And when Mashiho spilled the bin about the birthday party arranged in his place for his roommate, Junkyu was visibly delighted.

"Is it okay if we go? I mean we haven't really met." Jihoon still asked.

"It's okay, they want you to come to know you guys better." A smiling Mashiho said.

"When is his birthday?" Junghwan asked, a hint if worry on his face.

"On 15th of this month, why?" Mashiho asked.

"Oh no! I have to leave for my hometown for three days on 13th,, meaning I'll be back on 16th. Guess I won't be able to join the party" Junghwan clarified and for a few seconds the rest of the guys were silent, as if to mourn for his absence on the very first get together with Mashiho's friends.

"Don't leave me with all these old men Junghwan ah!" Jeongwoo joked, breaking the silence to lighten the mood which only made Junkyu gasp and hit him, "Yah! Park Jeongwoo!"

"You won't be lonely Jeongwoo, we have an adorable one of your age at home" Mashiho said.

After that they tried fixing the date for Junghwan's leave two days before of after, but the youngest had everything fixed by his parents. So on the due date, only Jihoon, Jeongwoo and Junkyu left for Mashiho's home.

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