Chapter 26

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Jihoon stood at his door frame, frozen, looking at his front with so much disbelief and shock that he barely noticed the well decorated cake in Junkyu’s hand. How could he? The entire universe felt unreal to him, let alone a cake.

“Yah, aren’t you gonna come inside?” The homely, ever so familiar and soothing voice that Jihoon missed like crazy was calling him once again, how could he resist it?

He took shaky steps, which were somehow quick, yet so unstable. He trembled, still felt so warm. He wanted nothing more than to be embraced by those two arms, that were then busy holding his birthday cake.

“Junkyu! How are you even here?” Jihoon finally asked.

“It’s your birthday, Jihoonie, when was I not with you on this very day?”

Was it okay for Jihoon’s heart to take so much love and sincerity?

Jihoon rushed to hug Junkyu, but Junkyu stopped him, “First, cut the cake, baby!”

Baby. Oh God!

Junkyu took a lighter out of his pocket and enlightened the candle on the cake. The cake had pink glazing, strawberries and cherries as toppings. And on one corner there were two candles, both of them were ‘J' of the English alphabet. On the centre, ‘Happy Birthday Jihoonie' was written with red coloured cream.

When the two ‘J's were burning brightly, Junkyu looked at Jihoon to tell him to blow them out, but Jihoon kept staring at the work of art in front of him. Junkyu’s face was glowing with a warm yellow colour, mixed with a bit of orange, as the flame from the candles enlightened his face. Junkyu’s eyes were sparkling, maybe because of the flame, or maybe because he was back to his soulmate, Jihoon couldn’t tell. He was in awe looking at the picture-perfect smile on his favourite boy, on his other half.

“Come on,” Junkyu nudged Jihoon, making him come to his senses. Jihoon quickly blew out the candles as Junkyu sang him the overused birthday song, still that felt like music to Jihoon’s ears. Junkyu handed him the knife, which he took and quickly cut the cake. Then he took the piece and held it in front of Junkyu’s mouth. Junkyu took a small bite and took the same piece from Jihoon’s hand to feed him in return.
Jihoon quickly took the piece as a whole and took the rest of the uncut cake from Junkyu’s hand. He put it on his table and returned to Junkyu to hug him tight.

“I missed you, Kyu!”

Junkyu put a hand on Jihoon’s head, “Me too, baby.”

That damn ‘baby' again!

“Why are calling me baby?” Jihoon asked, staying in the hug.

“Can I not? Don’t you like it?” Junkyu asked back.

Jihoon raised his head to look at Junkyu, but he didn’t break the hug.

“Of course, you can! But it feels weird, because you never called me by that before.”

Junkyu sat up straight, setting Jihoon free from the hug. He put his hands on Jihoon’s shoulders. He took a deep breath before starting the conversation,
“Jihoon, I've been having some weird dreams about us lately." He said.

“Weird? What kind of dreams?” Jihoon asked.

“You know, where we are doing things, like- like those things.” Junkyu said with his usual hand movement.

Jihoon gulped, a vague scenario of what Junkyu meant by things were forming in his mind, but he wasn’t certain if they both had similar thoughts or not. He was feeling a strange kind of giddiness inside of him, that affected his tongue, because he wasn’t being able to say anything.

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