Chapter 6

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Jihoon could almost get used to the growing friendliness between Junkyu and Mashiho had he not known some facts about Mashiho. The truth however, wasn't something you could not anticipate, but Jihoon chose not to even though, in his heart, he knew a day like that might come.

After the assignment crisis, things got a bit better between Jihoon and Mashiho and instead of ditching his squad during lunch break with some lame excuses, Jihoon started attending the little rendezvous of them more and Mashiho was more than happy.

In that little span of time, the 5 students shared the most exciting truths about them. Like how Junghwan, who never had a crush on anyone, started to pay attention to a certain girl of his class. Or like how Junkyu tends to crush on people after people frequently but forgets them even faster. They even talked about how Jeongwoo grows a centimetre each week and would soon reach Jihoon's height. Mashiho, the newly added member shared stories about Japan, about his three roommates with three different personalities, during which, Jeongwoo used to become extra attentive. Or he'd talk about himself, how he thinks a person should always choose to be nice over being handsome, with which Jihoon playfully disagreed. To summarise, in Jihoon's opinion the little talk about each other should never be missed, even if you have an untold rivalry with one of your mates.

In one fine day like any other, Jihoon was in a good mood. Junkyu spent most of his time with him that day, making Jihoon happy even though he did not know why. The test that was meant to take place was cancelled making him extra happy because he didn't study for that. And the first period was off, giving him the chance to sleep more. What more reason do you need to be in a good mood? So he planned to joke around a lot during the lunch break of that day to share his happiness among others.

The first half of the break went according to his plan. After everyone arrived, he came to know that the other three had also had a good day, specially Junghwan, cause the girl he crushed on talked to him for a long time. Mashiho and Jeongwoo weren't particularly happy, but weren't in a bad mood either, so Jihoon could easily joke around without having to consider anyone. Junkyu was helping a lot by adding random ad-libs here and there and anyone could see the bff energy Jihoon and Junkyu radiated. The table they were at probably was the happiest one at that time.

Things started getting a bit out of hand when one of the classmates of Jihoon started approaching them. She was pretty in many eyes, a girl that gets hit on pretty often, but rumours say, she never dated anyone because she didn't meet her ideal type yet. Jihoon and Junkyu didn't notice her at first because she was behind them, So, Jeongwoo had to eye a 'look behind you' to grab their attention.

She didn't say anything at first, rather hesitantly stood there, until Jihoon and Mashiho said a "Do you need anything?" in unison.

"I came here to talk to Mashiho." She gently said.

Mashiho wanted to get up to go and talk to her privately but Junkyu unintentionally said out loud, "Can we not hear what you have to say?" The girl visibly got startled at it and Junkyu received a glare from Jihoon.

"Sure." She said.

Everyone gave their full attention to her after that. Anyone standing at her position should have felt uncomfortable, but she had a strong nerve.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Mashiho said, after giving her a gentle smile.

After sighing, she started, "It may sound a bit weird, but you really are a kind person and have admirable skills. I can start trying to be your friend, but I don't want to shade the truth."

No one spoke a word, as everyone was holding their breath wanting to hear the next big words.

"Mashiho, I want us to get closer by getting to know each other, because, yes, you all got it right, I have a crush on him."

As expected. But still why was none of them able to say or do anything?

The first one to break the silence was Mashiho, who stood up and gestured her to follow him. The rest of the guys just sat in their places, watching the two disappear in the crowd.

"Did Mashiho just get confessed at??" Junkyu started. Jeongwoo and Junghwan just nodded.

"Holy shit! That too from the prettiest girl in class!" Jihoon said. In his heart he felt relieved. At first he thought it was the genuine feel-good for his friend to get engaged, but soon after he realized the true reason.

The four of them started imagining the scenario about how Mashiho would say either yes or no, how she'd be happy and hug Mashiho after getting a yes, or how sad and mad she'd get if she gets a no. The imagination kept getting scarier and more unrealistic but that was fun for them.

A little while after, Mashiho came back. The girl was not with him, she probably felt shy, Jihoon thought. 4 pairs of eyes were looking at Mashiho as soon as he sat down. After noticing that the smile in Mashiho's face was no longer there, Jihoon asked, "Did you say no to her?"

"Yes, I had no choice." He said in a small voice.

The rest of the guys felt way too sorry for the courageous girl, but they still understood that Mashiho must've had his reasons.

"Why hyung?" Junghwan asked.

Mashiho sighed without saying anything.

The air grew heavy around them. What reason did he have? Maybe he already had someone? Or maybe he's having a crush on someone? Or maybe he's not planning to get into any relationship right now?

"It's okay if you can't tell us." Jihoon said, concern visible on his face.

Mashiho sighed again. But this time, broke the silence, "I don't want to say why, but I know I'll have to one day. So it's better to say it now."

Everyone held their breath for the second time that day.

"Look, you guys are my friends, so if you feel strange or repelled by me, I'll stay away from you. But you'll have to promise not to hate me." Mashiho said with a desperate tone evident in his voice.

Jihoon could guess. And he wanted to give everything for Mashiho to state a different reason than he was about to.

"The reason I said no to her is because I'm not interested in girls. I'm gay, I like guys." Mashiho said with a pause in between.

All the positive thoughts Jihoon built up in his head about Junkyu and Mashiho's friendship for the last month were destroyed in an instant with Mashiho's words.

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