Chapter 25

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Jihoon was sad to no bounds even though it was his very birthday. The reason obviously darts back to none other than Kim Junkyu. He might not have a lot to do, but a simple text at 12 o'clock didn't seem to satisfy Jihoon.

'He didn't even ask for a video chat! Not to mention how he didn't do anything special to surprise me!' Jihoon thought.
His birthday didn't seem to be as bad during the first hour though. Since Jeongwoo apologised and made up with him few days back, the younger one was way too eager to let Jihoon enjoy his birthday to the fullest. So, he helped his mother to bake a special homemade cake for Jihoon. Just when the clock hit 12 o'clock, the two of them came to his room to celebrate his birthday. His dad called from abroad, shortly wished him well, but it made Jihoon happy. He did have a great time with his mother and younger brother but the real dread started after both of them left him to go to sleep.

He checked his phone and Junkyu just sent him a text saying 'Happy birthday, Jihoonie!' Done! Nothing else. He wasn't even online for the rest of the night. Jihoon texted back, waited and then even called him, only to be more disappointed as Junkyu didn't pick up.
Other than Junkyu, only Mashiho wished him that night, shortly. He bitterly smiled. He couldn't even sleep well as the thought of Junkyu texting back anytime kept buzzing his mind and that made him way too restless to have a sound sleep.

In all honesty, he had a terrible night.

The next day, he went to his varsity. A few friends, seniors and club members wished him. Some gave him random gifts. A senior from his club even treated him to a nice meal. But ever since Hyunsuk stopped showing up, no one seemed to matter enough to Jihoon to let him get over the hurt Junkyu caused.

Jihoon came home with a heavy heart. Ever since that text, Junkyu didn't appear online. Almost three fourth of his birthday was gone and Junkyu didn't even communicate with him. Jihoon started losing hope but he still prayed that Junkyu would show up while it still remained his birthday. Did he not deserve that much from his best friend?

Jihoon changed in some casual clothes and for the millionth time that day, checked Junkyu's ID. Nope, not online. He threw away his phone on his bed and laid down with frustration. He was home alone, since his mom was at work and Jeongwoo was at school. He was feeling the sudden urge to cry, as he felt left out, alone and abandoned, all because of a certain Kim Junkyu.

Jihoon's phone rang to make him come out of his well of thoughts. He sprang up to check whether it's Junkyu but the caller ID showed Mashiho. Disappointed, he picked up.

"Jihoonie, can you please come by? Something bad happened here, please can you hurry?"

Jihoon immediately stood up. Not wasting any more minute, he locked the door and dashed towards the Japanese guys' apartment as fast as possible. He reached there in a while. A worried looking Mashiho was waiting outside.

"Come with me, Jihoonie!" his tone clearly showed how scared he was.

"Why? What happened?" Jihoon asked, worried as hell.

"I'll tell you once we're inside the apartment!" Mashiho said. They hurriedly went towards the door and Mashiho knocked.

"Who is this?" Someone called from the inside, Jihoon recognized the voice as Yoshi's.

"Mashiho, along with Jihoonie!" Mashiho replied.

Soon the door opened, but everything was dark. Mashiho entered inside, Jihoon was on the door when the lights went on and-


Party popper popped, maybe someone blew whistles? Jihoon couldn't fathom what was happening at all as he was overwhelmed with what he saw before him.

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