Chapter 20

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Haruto woke up without any alarm ringing to wake him up- which only happened in a while. To be honest, Haruto barely slept that night. After talking to Jaehyuk about everything, Haruto planned on speaking his heart out to Jeongwoo, because he was certain that the tanned Korean male felt the same way as him about him. He sketched a perfect scenario of picking Jeongwoo from school, which would be a surprise for Jeongwoo as Haruto never visited him at school before. And because he had to make sure everything remained perfect for him, he couldn’t wake up late which he successfully carried out.

Haruto always cherished his holidays. After being accepted in his dream company, Haruto barely found time to enjoy himself along with people he cared. Haruto couldn’t even go visit his family for once. He became famous, had fans and had to do lots of stuffs for them. He loved that so many people liked him, but the fame came with its own price. Even so, Haruto did his best. But, among all those ruckus, a holiday was all Haruto ever asked for. And he always treated himself by spending those precious holidays with the ‘friend’ of his, named Jeongwoo.

From the beginning of his morning, Haruto felt super anxious. Yoshi noticed and when asked, Haruto told him the reason- confessing to Jeongwoo. Yoshi chuckled and helped his little brother like person to get ready in his best attire. Even though it was Yoshi’s holiday as well, since both him and Haruto worked in the same company, Yoshi spared his time to make Haruto look the best in Jeongwoo’s eyes as it would be their big day. Asahi and Mashiho wasn’t there because they each had their own classes to attend to. So, Yoshi was the only one who helped Haruto to get ready in time.

Haruto reached Jeongwoo’s school a little before the final bell rang. He just stood outside the main gate, wearing mask, sunglasses and a hoodie to hide his identity. But he could tell that people looked at him weirdly. Haruto shook everything off when he saw Jeongwoo coming out, holding the two straps of his bag with a smile on his face with someone that Haruto assumed was his best friend, Junghwan. Jeongwoo’s smile vanished in an instant when he met eyes with Haruto, as his eyes got big and his mouth fell open. Haruto laughed and waved, to which Jeongwoo didn’t respond, rather, he jogged to Haruto, whispering in Haruto’s ears “Why are you here, Ruto!?”

A breathless Junghwan soon arrived as well but Haruto just confusingly stared at Jeongwoo. “Why? To pick you up" he replied.

“But Ruto! People know you here! Let’s just go first!” Jeongwoo grabbed Haruto’s arm, in fear of meeting the obvious fan girls of Haruto, since he knew that girls of his school knew the model Haruto Watanabe and talked about him a lot.

Junghwan, without having any clue, just followed them. But they couldn’t go far away, as someone from behind stopped them saying, “Hey, are you Watanabe Haruto?”

They stopped at their spot as Jeongwoo internally face palmed. Haruto faced the girls and felt super guilty but still bowed at them saying yes. The girls squealed, “Oh my God! It’s really him! I never thought I’d meet you ever in my life!!”

The girls screamed a bit, “Oh my God! You’re so tall! Can you show your face a bit" Haruto just lowered his mask for a split second and the girls exclaimed,” You’re so handsome! Even in your real life! I'm blessed to be able to see you in real life!” They kept saying when someone formed her words, “Can you please take pictures with us?? We promise to keep it a secret!” But Haruto politely bowed saying that He's not allowed. He felt super apologetic to both Jeongwoo and the fans. He just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

“Okay, but please one autograph!” The girls insisted and Haruto had to oblige. When he was giving them his autograph, one certain girl noticed Jeongwoo and Junghwan.

“Hey, aren’t you Park Jeongwoo? And you’re So Junghwan, right?  Wow! You guys know the Watanabe Haruto!! How did you guys become friends??” The girl kept asking which made them super awkward and Jeongwoo couldn’t find any words to reply with. Fortunately, Haruto finished and rushed his way out holding Jeongwoo’s hand tight, dragging him along saying, “I’m so so sorry, but we really need to go! I'm not allowed to stay here longer, please understand!”

Soon the three of them escaped the school perimeter and reached a nearby park which barely had anyone.

“So this is how it feels to be famous!” Junghwan exclaimed once they calmed down.

“I'm so sorry guys! I didn’t know this will happen!” Haruto apologised.

“Hey! It’s no big deal! I'm So Junghwan by the way, Jeongwoo’s friend” Junghwan extended his hand.

“Haruto Watanabe, from Japan.” Haruto shook his hand.

“Okay, now, why were you at my school Ruto?” Jeongwoo spoke as he saw that the introduction between two of his mates were over.

“I wanted to pick you up, actually.” Haruto scratched his head.

“Why?” Jeongwoo asked.

“Well...” Haruto couldn’t say any word.

“Um, guys, I think you two need to talk, I better leave. It was nice meeting you, Haruto!” Junghwan smiled.

Haruto bowed as he bid Junghwan a goodbye. Then he faced Jeongwoo who was biting his inner cheeks, probably thinking about something. Haruto felt like Jeongwoo with the little habits of his was the best thing ever. Even though Jeongwoo looked worn out, hair messy and obviously tired from doing all the classes, to Haruto, he looked gorgeous even then.

“Did you need anything from me?” Jeongwoo asked, after a while.

“No, I just wanted to pick you up. I didn’t know people from your school would know me.” Haruto said.

“If you just called, I'd have told you not to. What if people spread it negatively and your reputation gets affected?” Jeongwoo anxiously said. Haruto suppressed his smile, noticing how Jeongwoo only thought about his well being.

“Okay okay, I'm sorry, I just wanted to surprise you.”

“Yes, but why?? Today isn’t anything special” Jeongwoo still didn’t find out why Haruto acted like that.

“Let’s talk afterwards.”

“Okay, where do you wanna go?” Jeongwoo asked. Haruto looked at him for some seconds, he looked tired and probably needed to rest for a while. So, he decided not to bother him much, “Let’s just go to your house, freshen up, eat something and then we'll talk" Haruto patted his head.

Even though Jeongwoo felt grateful that Haruto didn’t burden him by asking to go anywhere in the worn out state of him, Jeongwoo felt conscious about many things. Haruto was seen with him at school, what if people look down on Haruto for being friends with him? Haruto was in his best attire but Jeongwoo was literally in his sweaty, dirty and messy form after finishing a long day at school. So he felt low standing next to Haruto. Haruto was loved by so many people who are better than him, but why was Haruto still being so kind with him- thoughts like these kept bugging Jeongwoo’s mind on their way back to his home.

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