Chapter 9

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Mashiho’s coming out didn’t change anything among the little group of friends he made. Junkyu was amazed, as he had always been because of Mashiho. All he did was ask about random details that can be obtained from someone who likes people of the same sex. Jihoon often glared at the insensitivity of Junkyu regarding Mashiho’s feelings but Mashiho, upon knowing how adorably childish Junkyu can get, always treated with a smile and some satisfactory answers. Junghwan, being relatively younger, didn’t understand the depth of the topic. So he didn’t care much. Jeongwoo however, felt a different kind of curiosity knowing Mashiho’s sexual orientation. Because, he himself was wondering whether he likes someone of his own sex upon noticing the weird feelings Haruto always gave him.

Jeongwoo didn’t ask Mashiho about anything. Because, the way his and Haruto’s friendship was going, he was more than satisfied. He liked the fact that Haruto always texted him, telling him about everything and anything. The texting wasn’t as frequent at first. But soon, they entered each other’s comfort zone and started chatting non stop. Haruto did have to pause this continuation because of work and Jeongwoo because of school. But in their free time, they always stayed connected. Thus, Jeongwoo knew at once when Haruto passed his audition. As to cheer the Japanese boy, Jeongwoo offered a treat and Haruto obliged. Soon holiday came and a frantic Jeongwoo kept on roaming inside the house to find the perfect costume for his meet up with Haruto.

Jihoon couldn’t help noticing the eagerness of Jeongwoo to look presentable and wondered what his younger brother was up to. So he kept a close watch on him. Soon after, Jihoon found himself laughing as Jeongwoo was finding every outfit of him faulty in one way or another. Jeongwoo even complained about his shoes and hair to which Jihoon just laughed.

“Hyung, don't laugh!” he said. But Jihoon kept on laughing out louder and added little teasing here and there. Jeongwoo kept on getting distracted by it so when the bell rang, Jeongwoo had to run to his room to fix his hair while Jihoon opened the door to see Haruto in a casual yet handsome outfit. Haruto bowed as he entered and had to wait a bit for Jeongwoo. In the meantime, he and Jihoon talked.

Soon Jeongwoo came out, looking quite handsome in Haruto’s eyes. They left after Haruto bid farewell to Jihoon. Jihoon kept wondering though, about why Jeongwoo would be so desperate to look good in front of Haruto. Even though he didn’t fully realize why, he had a hunch. And he felt a little bit bothered about it.

After getting out of the house, Jeongwoo became quiet. Haruto had to initiate the conversation to get rid of the awkwardness that started to build up. He soon realized that the scenario was very similar to having a date with someone as they entered a cafe. After ordering their drinks and food, Jeongwoo started talking and joking. Haruto loved the liveliness that grew from then on. It was the best thing about Jeongwoo, that he can create a wonderful mood around him just in seconds.

Haruto couldn’t tell why the time went so fast or why their food lasted only some minutes, he wished he could stay with Jeongwoo longer. When they couldn’t find any reason to stay there after paying the bill, they headed out. Their original plan was to part ways from there but Jeongwoo wasn’t satisfied with the relatively short time he got to spend with a person so dear to him. So, he decided to walk along with Haruto to his apartment. Haruto was no one to say otherwise, so both of them delightfully walked together, indeed at a slow pace. They talked a lot, about their past few days. At one point, Jeongwoo brought something up that he never did before.

“So, Haruto, have you ever dated anyone before?” Jeongwoo did feel anxious about the answer even though he didn’t have any reason to.

“No, I didn't. I mean I did ask few girls out and even got into a so called relationship, but none lasted as I didn’t feel that much attached to them.” Haruto replied.

Jeongwoo felt relieved. “What about now?” he asked.

“What about now? I'm barely speaking Korean with the correct grammar so no, I'm not attracted to anyone right now.” Haruto joked.

“But it's obvious that you are surrounded with pretty people where you work. How have you still not felt anything towards anyone?” Jeongwoo asked. Why he was so desperate to know what Haruto might feel inside bothered Haruto a bit, in a good way though.

“Yes  there are pretty girls and handsome guys, but it’s nothing new to me. I have always been surrounded by good looking people.” Haruto replied.
“Oh right. Even your roommates are handsome. You're lucky Ruto!” Jeongwoo said.

“Well, aren’t you too? Look at your hyung! Junkyu hyung! Everyone is handsome.” Haruto enthusiastically replied.

Jeongwoo felt a bit sad about it. It's true that his hyung, his best friend Junghwan, his hyung's best friend everyone has fair skin and are handsome. It's only him that’s odd. He doesn’t have fair skin, rather, a tanned tone. He isn't even that good looking compared to the others. Suddenly, Jeongwoo felt small around Haruto causing him to fall silent. Haruto noticed. He didn't know why though. So he asked, “What's wrong, woo?” Jeongwoo just shook his head, dismissing the hint of upset. Haruto didn’t pester, but added just the perfect words for Jeongwoo, “But Jeongwoo, no matter how good looking the people at my company are, none is quite like you. I mean, you have a nice skin tone and your eyes and smile are so pretty!”

It was never Haruto’s style to say something like this to someone right at their face. But seeing Jeongwoo in his best outfit, under the afternoon light and with a little pout on his lips made Haruto bluntly state whatever was on his mind which he didn’t regret at all upon seeing how red Jeongwoo’s face became. Luckily for Jeongwoo, the conversation took place right in front of Haruto’s apartment building so he just climbed up the stairs fast in order to avoid what Haruto just said. Haruto, who was internally enjoying the whole scene, quickly followed behind having a smile plastered on his lips.

His smile soon faded away as Jeongwoo became euphoric after Jaehyuk opened the door. Due to the school project, Jaehyuk has lately been coming here as working at home instead of school library is preferable to both Asahi and Jaehyuk. Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk bonded just in one day which was yet to be known to Haruto.

“Park Jeongwoo! Nice to see you again! Did your brother get mad that day?” he asked.

“No, hyung! He forgot about everything the next day. It's nice to see you again. I was wondering whether we'll meet again or not.” Jeongwoo replied with enthusiasm that started bothering Haruto. It’s not like he didn’t see Jeongwoo like this, but that was only with himself. Not with someone Jeongwoo just knew for a day.

Their conversation kept on going while Haruto just awkwardly stood beside them, obviously being the third wheel. It irritated him. His irritation reached its peak when Jaehyuk asked for Jeongwoo’s contact number and Jeongwoo even complied. Haruto knew Jaehyuk is a social guy. But he also knew how Jaehyuk used to look at Asahi with lovesick eyes. The same Jaehyuk hyung, acting all friendly with Jeongwoo made Haruto sad, jealous and pissed off. So he interrupted their sweet conversation intentionally saying that Jeongwoo needs to go home while daylight existed or Jihoon would get mad, which, to some extent was true.
Upon hearing this, both Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk remembered that day they really forgot about the time so Jeongwoo soon prepared to leave. But before that, he gave Jaehyuk a hug and a pat on Haruto’s back. That hug lingered in front of eyes for the rest of the day and the obvious question as to why he didn’t receive a hug himself pissed him off. So that night, Haruto didn’t text Jeongwoo back.

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