Chapter 22

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Since he received a call from Kim Doyoung to meet him in a cafe, Jaehyuk had been hella confused. It’s just been a few days since him and Asahi got together, every moment of which was cherished by both Jaehyuk and Asahi. Jaehyuk did feel bad for Yedam from time to time, but Asahi assured him that he was not to blame. So, he decided to let that go. But getting a meet up with Doyoung made him wonder, if he could really let it go because if everything was really over for Asahi and Yedam then why would Yedam’s best friend want to meet him?

As soon as Jaehyuk entered the cafe, he spotted Doyoung at one corner of the cafe, legs shaking nervously, seeming smaller than usual as he was shrunken inside his whole frame like he was really worried about something. Jaehyuk made a little coughing sound as he pulled out a chair in front of the table, sitting facing Doyoung. Doyoung bowed and smiled a bit, “Hi, hyung,  how have you been?”

Jaehyuk smiled. Even though him and Yedam wasn’t in good terms, Jaehyuk could never not like the gentle, humble and cute boy in front of him. “I'm fine, Doyoung ah, really.”

He nodded. He didn’t ask him back if Doyoung was fine as well, because seeing Doyoung convinced him of one thing, Doyoung was not fine.

They ordered their drinks and after a moment of silence, Doyoung spoke, “I actually wanted to apologise.”

“About what?” Jaehyuk was confused. There was no bad blood between them.

“About Yedam hyung's behaviour that day. I know he didn’t mean anything he said. But his words might hurt you, so I wanted to say sorry on his behalf.” Doyoung was sincere, but something inside his voice made Jaehyuk feel so sad inside. It seemed like Doyoung spoke every word with so much pain and frustration.

To comfort him, Jaehyuk put his hand on his, “Doyoung ah, you do not have to apologise, because first of all I didn’t mind. And secondly, I don’t think Yedam did anything wrong.”

Doyoung looked puzzled, “but hyung, he-" Jaehyuk stopped him midway saying, “ I know, he did say terrible stuff. But you know all he did was out of jealousy and frustration. Love makes people do terrible things, Doyoung ah. Your hyung was just another victim of an unrequited love, I can never blame him for what he did. If anything, I want to say sorry to him for taking his love away from him.” Jaehyuk gave a sad smile, “You don’t have to apologise for anything.” he said.

“Hyung, you really are a kind person. I thought you’d think badly of Yedam hyung”, Doyoung said. Jaehyuk just shook his head a no.

And then, silence. Jaehyuk could tell that Doyoung was attempting to say something, but he couldn’t. Instead, he just kept his head down, fidgeting with his fingers. “You didn’t come to just apologise, right?” Jaehyuk asked. Doyoung nodded, but didn’t say anything. Jaehyuk once again touched his hands while saying, “It’s okay, take your time. I'm here for you.”

Doyoung kept his head down. Since he didn’t have long hair, his eyelashes could be seen from Jaehyuk’s side. And so, when the single drop of tear dripped down his long lashes, Jaehyuk saw that. He only squeezed the other’s hand at that, but then one more drop came down, then another, then another- Doyoung didn’t make any sound, didn’t even quiver until a whimper came out of his mouth unintentionally. Jaehyuk handed him a tissue paper once he calmed down.

“Hyung, I just- I just don’t know anymore.” Doyoung said, in the tiniest voice possible, that sounded hoarse because of all the silent crying done by him.

Jaehyuk kept his mouth pressed while waiting for the other to continue.

“It’s the first time I'm opening up about it to anyone. No one knew before this.  you are the only one whom I’m about to tell it, hyung. Because I don’t know whom else to go to.” Doyoung was still teary eyed and his voice sounded so vulnerable. Jaehyuk kept giving him reassuring squeezes on his hands which was still held by him, in order to give Doyoung enough strength to proceed.

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