Chapter 21

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Haruto met with Jihoon once he entered into Jeongwoo’s house. Jihoon didn’t have his afternoon classes so he came home early. Since Jeongwoo didn’t properly talk to Jihoon after that night when Jihoon was home late; Jihoon wanted to talk to his younger brother that day to clear things up and to finally show him the trophy from the dance class. But his wishes once again got wasted as Haruto was with Jeongwoo.

Even so, Jihoon greeted his brother and his friend warmly. But Haruto noticed how cold Jeongwoo’s behaviour was with his brother. Thinking that there might have been a little quarrel between them, he let it go.

Jeongwoo reached his room and made Haruto wait a bit while he was showering. Haruto scanned his room again. He wanted to know every bit of the younger and so, whenever he came to the place where Jeongwoo stays, he can’t help but notice every small detail.

‘Jeongwoo is stressed’, Haruto concluded, as he could see the disorder in Jeongwoo’s room. It wasn’t like Jeongwoo was always super organized, but the room was in its worst state and that made Haruto worried.

Jeongwoo returned soon, with his black trousers and white t shirt. He was drying his hair with a towel while sitting beside Haruto on his bed and Haruto had to struggle to keep his patience because to him, Jeongwoo in wet hair was a new inclusion to his 'times when Jeongwoo looks extremely hot' list.

However, Haruto had to know what bothered Jeongwoo.

“Woo, why didn’t you clean your room? It’s so much worse than before.”

Jeongwoo was taken aback by that sudden interrogation, “Why? Isn’t it the same as before?” he asked.

“No, I mean, last time it wasn’t clean but yeah, it wasn’t this messy.” Haruto replied, “So what’s going on inside your head?” he flicked Jeongwoo on the forehead.

Jeongwoo’s mind diverted into the stressful events happening around him at that question. Since he didn’t want to expose Jihoon’s secret with Junkyu, he lied, “It must have been the exam stress then. I hate exams.”

Haruto nodded, since he didn’t disbelieve his friend.

“So, the thing you wanted to talk about is?” Jeongwoo asked Haruto, after finally setting down the towel and lying on his bed, signalling Haruto to lie down as well.

Haruto gulped. ‘Why am I feeling this nervous?’ He thought.

A moment of silence passed, which lingered. Jeongwoo didn’t bother though, he was too occupied with the thought of his brother cheating on his lover when he never thought that anyone could cheat having such a strong bond with his partner.

“Woo, I talked to Jaehyuk hyung.” Haruto broke the silence.

Jeongwoo looked to his right, where Haruto was lying, facing him, “About what?”

“Well, he didn’t tell me what you two talk about.” Haruto replied, sulking a bit.

“Huh? Why would you want to know that?” Jeongwoo sat up.

“I was curious. I thought you liked him romantically.” Haruto said. He couldn’t just confess to Jeongwoo, so he planned to gradually go to that part for the last few days.

Jeongwoo was startled, “W-why would I like him romantically?”

Haruto internally smirked. Things were going exactly as he planned, as he could see that Jeongwoo was getting nervous.

“Well, you two talk a lot, meet at the cafe when ever you get time. It’s as if you guys are going on dates every single time.” Haruto pouted.

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