Chapter 24

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Hyunsuk tapped his foot impatiently on the ground as he waited for the one person that clearly disliked him. He knew it wasn’t exactly necessary, but for the last time, he wanted to set things right for Jihoon.

Hyunsuk wasn’t wearing anything fancy, nor was he in the right state of mind to do so, but people still stared at him as if he's some sort of celebrity. He sighed. He didn’t want to bring any attention on him, because meeting the person he intended might create a scene.

Soon enough, he saw two boys talking and walking towards him. Neither of them noticed him, as they were way too busy talking and laughing on their own. The boy named Jeongwoo was holding his backpack stripes while the other named Junghwan happily talked about something funny that made both of them laugh. Hyunsuk waited till one of them finally noticed him.

“Hey, isn’t that Hyunsuk hyung??” the shorter boy exclaimed, making the other also notice him.

Jeongwoo didn’t expect or like the fact that Hyunsuk was waiting in front of their school, as he saw him after Junghwan had mentioned him.

‘First Ruto, now Hyunsuk hyung! Why is my after school fate this weird?’ Jeongwoo thought.

Junghwan however, was euphoric. “Hi, hyung! How are you? Do you remember us from that day? I'm Junghwan and this is Jeongwoo-"

“Calm down Hwan ah! He knows us very well.” Jeongwoo said, irritation evident in his voice as he didn’t like to see Junghwan all worked up after meeting Hyunsuk.

“Hi”, Hyunsuk smiled, “Of course I remember you two! I met you that day when you went to visit Jihoon in my uni!” He exclaimed.

“Wow! So why are you here, hyung?” Junghwan asked again.

“I’m here to meet you two of course!" Hyunsuk said.

Junghwan thought for a bit. Hyunsuk couldn’t possibly want to meet him, right? So he said, “It must be Jeongwoo hyung you want to talk to, right?”

Hyunsuk nodded with uneasiness.

“Ah, It’s okay, hyung. I wasn’t gonna be able to stay anyway.” Junghwan said, “But it’s nice to see you again!”

“Let me at least treat you two-"

“It’s not necessary.” Jeongwoo sharply said, cutting Hyunsuk off. Junghwan was taken aback, but he soon concluded that both of them might have an unresolved dispute.

“Hyung, we can meet again, right? We can have our treat the next time.” Junghwan gave them his innocent smile, “I'll go first then, take care hyung! Bye Jeongwoo hyung.” He waved at the two of them before heading towards his home.

A very uneasy silence filled the air between Jeongwoo and Hyunsuk.

“Can we walk together? I have something to talk to you.” Hyunsuk said after a while. Jeongwoo just nodded, before walking. Hyunsuk followed suit.

“You probably don’t like me.” Hyunsuk said, after they came far from the school boundary. A hint of bitterness could be found in his tone. Jeongwoo didn’t say anything. He knew his disliking towards the older was pointless.

“I understand why though.” Hyunsuk said soon after, making Jeongwoo halt and look at him, “Why?” he asked.

“Because I like Jihoon.” Hyunsuk’s eyes were glossy as he said that.

Jeongwoo felt his limbs go numb and he felt something strange hearing Hyunsuk say it to him so casually.

“So, you do.” Jeongwoo had a bitter smile, “Are you two dating?”

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