Chapter 18

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To follow what Yoshi said, Haruto needed to talk to Jaehyuk in order to clear the confusing thoughts he had about the closeness between him and Jeongwoo. But there was one little(!) problem and that was nothing but his uneasiness to approach people he barely knew. It’s not like Jaehyuk was a stranger to him, but he never intended to go and randomly talk to him when he had no purpose in doing so. Therefore, to ask him about Jeongwoo, Haruto needed to get to know him first.

It was hard for him to do that, because, after being accepted as a model in his dream company, Haruto became really busy and so, barely stayed home. Since him and Jaehyuk had no other common place to meet except for the apartment, Haruto could not find the scope to approach him first. But he did try and when on one holiday, instead of spending his days at home or staying out having fun, Jaehyuk decided to stay with Asahi; Haruto decided to talk to him informally.

Haruto went to Asahi’s room and saw him laughing at something Jaehyuk said. He felt nice seeing Asahi being comfortable around other people because that man was hard to befriend. It also helped him to have a positive vibe about Jaehyuk. After fidgeting a bit about how to start talking to someone he never intended to, Haruto was taken aback when Jaehyuk addressed him casually saying, “Hey Ruto yah! Why are you sitting still without saying anything?”

Haruto felt relieved in a way. So he shook his head and smiled, saying, “ Nothing hyung, I realized that I never talked to you casually before, so..”

Haruto felt a pat on his head as Jaehyuk just shrugged it off, saying, “ Aigoo.. did we not? Well, it can start now!”

Jaehyuk had a wide smile on his face and for some reason, Haruto felt like the initial disliking he had towards that man was meaningless, because, how can you hate a Yoon Jaehyuk?

Haruto regretted not knowing Jaehyuk before because just talking to him made him feel at ease around him. He understood why Asahi could click with Jaehyuk. And he felt a strange vibe coming from the way Jaehyuk treated Asahi, very much similar to the way he treats Jeongwoo; but once again, he shrugged it off.

It didn’t take long for Haruto to get close enough to Jaehyuk to start talking about Jeongwoo. The more the days went by, the more Haruto felt like suspecting Jaehyuk was pointless, but he had to be certain. So one day, when Asahi was busy studying, he called Jaehyuk out to his own room.

“Sorry for making you come here, hyung. I just needed to have a private talk with you.” Haruto said.

“Ey, it’s really alright. Don’t worry. You can easily say what you want to.” Jaehyuk said, smiling.

Haruto hesitated a bit. Talking to Yoshi about his feelings was one thing, but talking to Jaehyuk, who absolutely knew a lot about Jeongwoo and how he might feel made it hard for Haruto to open up.

“Is there something wrong?” Jaehyuk asked, keeping a hand on Haruto’s shoulder.

Haruto shook his head, still trying to form words. But instead of asking about Jeongwoo, he first decided to clear his doubt about one thing, “ Hyung, can you first tell me if you like Asahi san or not?”

Jaehyuk froze. He knew people would know about his fat crush on Asahi since it showed in every deed of his, but just knowing and watching him for a few days, Haruto could guess the truth and that made Jaehyuk feel super exposed.

“Oh, I’m sorry if I’m not in the right place to ask this, just-"

“No it’s fine. People would know either way,” Jaehyuk said, stopping Haruto midway, “Yes, I do. I've been liking him for quite some time.” Jaehyuk calmly said. Haruto just nodded, he could guess it, so he didn’t feel surprised. “It’s gonna be fine, hyung. Asahi san maybe hard to talk to, but I'm sure you are special to him.” He assured Jaehyuk who looked like he could break any moment after saying that he liked the short Japanese guy.

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