Chapter 11

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Jeongwoo had always been blessed with Jihoon as his dear brother, but this time, he felt like the secret that he had started growing inside him wasn't meant to be shared with his brother, or so he thought. Jeongwoo knew Jihoon is protective about him, so he feared that telling Jihoon about his strange feelings towards Haruto would make Jihoon cautious and hence he'd forbid Jeongwoo from having further interactions with the Japanese guy. Jeongwoo never wanted that. But the secret keeping was disturbing him a lot.

So when he found out that Jaehyuk, the guy he only knew for few days, was actually going through the same thing as him and was a great advice giver to him, he felt lucky.

Their first conversation outside the apartment of Haruto was a planned meeting. Jaehyuk, being the guy that grew fond of Jeongwoo for his carefree and mischievous behaviour, wanted to get to know him better, so he called Jeongwoo out one day to meet at a cafe to talk. Jeongwoo was glad because he found Jaehyuk as a friend like hyung, very much similar to his own brother minus the nagging.

That day they talked about a lot of things and Jeongwoo eventually asked him about why it had always been him that came to Asahi's house and why not the other way around. Jaehyuk reasoned that he wanted to stay close to the quiet guy. As Jeongwoo wasn't satisfied with this answer, he kept on pestering him and found out about the biggest secret of Yoon Jaehyuk.

~Narrated from Jaehyuk's point of view~

I have always been a popular kid at school. Due to my genetically well body proportion and gentle behaviour, both students and teachers liked me. I always stayed friendly with everyone. However, one day, a new guy enrolled in our class, named Hamada Asahi. He was very quiet. At first, he just came to school, did the classes and went home without having any sort of conversation with anyone. This bothered me. Being the one that likes to talk, I approached him one day. The only progress I could make was getting nods and some shaking of his head. I later realized that he was not Korean and that made sense as to why he barely talked.

But this side of him made me try even harder to talk to him. He eventually started replying with short sentences which grew longer as days went by. We suddenly became desk buddies, I don't know how. Once I noticed, it was already evident that Asahi would always come and sit next to me and so would I. He even started taking me with him if he was asked to go anywhere or to do anything with a friend. It didn't even occur to me when we became such good friends. People started calling him as 'Jaehyuk's friend' rather than his own name and I felt very special. It felt like I did have a right on him as a friend. It felt like no one else in school was closer to him than I was. And that feeling was really great.

Asahi loved music. The main reason he came to Korea was because of his passion for music. So naturally, he was a member of our music club. I on the other hand was on the sports and drama side. I didn't even pay much attention to my club so I often got free time. One day, I decided to go see Asahi work while he was at his own club. I took two drinks for us and headed there. But once I reached there, I saw something I'd never seen. Asahi was engaged in a very dynamic conversation with two other guys. They were even smiling while talking. This caused me two different types of irritations, one, Asahi didn't talk to me abut those two people ever. The way they were talking felt like they knew each other for a long time but I never once heard about them. Two, it was me who was supposes to be the closest to Asahi, not them. I don't know why, but I felt bothered and jealous . However, I didn't show any of it and gently greeted them once I went near them. The two of them introduced themselves to me. The shorter guy was known as Bang Yedam, in short, Yedam. The taller guy having a pretty face was known as Kim Doyoung, or in short, Doyoung. As I got to know, both of them were talking about music with Asahi. As for Yedam, he was writing lyrics for a song to perform in the upcoming cultural fest and Asahi was helping him with the composition. And for Doyoung, he wanted to dance to a customized remix and wanted help and advice from Asahi for this. Knowing that the reason they were so lively engaged in talking was due to work, I felt at ease and I honestly admired all three of them for the rest of the time I was there.

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