Chapter 23

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Junkyu was wearing his favourite anti-social hoodie, trousers and had messy hair due to working on his project for a long time. His eyes got droopy and he wished nothing but to have a good sleep once he's done. He did crave something refreshingly hot, like coffee or hot chocolate, but he was too lazy to go and make one. He was about to finish his work for that night when someone poked him from behind, "Eat it, you look really tired."

Junkyu looked at his side to see his best friend, in simple pastel hoodie and purple trousers. Junkyu escapes a smile because his friend looked extremely nice in that simple outfit of his. He looked at what his friend gave him and saw a glass full of hot chocolate. His eyes sparkled with joy.

"How did you know I want it now?" Junkyu asked. Honestly the way his best friend knew exactly what he wanted anytime didn't surprise him anymore.

"Magic, Kyu" his best friend winked. Junkyu chuckled, 'as if!' but he saw his friend attempting to walk away.

Junkyu didn't let his friend go. He just pulled him by the hand and the action made the other fall down while is hand landed on the table beside Junkyu. He attempted to stand up but Junkyu hugged him tight, "You're no magician, Jihoonie, you're just my little hero."

Jihoon smiled. Junkyu loved that smile, it's like watching a crescent moon form in his eyes. "You have a beautiful smile, Jihoonie." He spoke making Jihoon startled a bit because normally they would just make fun of each other. But soon, Jihoon made a stronger comeback.

"Uh-oh, not as beautiful as yours baby, you have a billion-dollar smile and I never want you to lose that." Jihoon said, touching their noses together.
Junkyu felt so happy, feeling Jihoon's warmth and being that close to him. His scent made Junkyu feel at home and the closeness of their faces added to the call 'baby' from Jihoon made him want to kiss his friend as if they hadn't done it for a long time.

'Why do I miss him so much when he's clearly in front of me?' Junkyu thought.

"You really don't wanna eat that, right? It's gonna go cold." Jihoon said. Junkyu sulkily let his friend go at that. He had to finish the work in hand and yes, he also wanted to eat what Jihoon made for him.

While sipping on his hot chocolate, Junkyu couldn't concentrate. His mind was drifting back to the time they were apart, the moments he missed his friend like hell while staying abroad, the moment when he decided to let his friend love him like he wanted to and-

"Junkyu ah, aren't you gonna come sleep? How long do you need?" Jihoon called from the bedroom. Yes, he did want to sleep, like a lot. So he didn't waste anymore time and replied with a small, 'will be there in a few.' He quickly finished what was left. He yawned and looked at the dirty glass. He felt way too lazy to clean that and so he just left it at the kitchen sink before going to bed.

The bed wasn't that big, but it easily fit two people. Junkyu saw Jihoon surfing his phone while lying down. Since Jihoon's hair always covered his forehead, the only time Junkyu could see his bare forehead was when he lay down on bed, like then. Junkyu wore his favourite koala night shirt and the same trousers as before. He got on the bed, making lots of noise so Jihoon looked at him.

"You didn't wash your face, Kyu." Jihoon said.

Junkyu's eyes became big because he really forgot to wash his face. That project was really taking away his time and willpower! He felt super tired to go and wash his face as he clearly got under the blanket and so he whined, "I'll do it tomorrow~"

"Yeah, sure", Jihoon looked a bit nervous, "but you have hot chocolate on your lips." He said.

"Oh, really? Where?" Junkyu tried to wipe away the stain with his thumb and index finger but in vain.

"Okay, let me just wipe it away for you-" Jihoon swiped his thumb over Junkyu's lips but the dried chocolate still had some impact on the taller one's lips.

"It's not working." Jihoon gulped a bit, "Okay, I'll just-" he leaned towards Junkyu, balancing on one elbow as he licked away the remaining chocolate from Junkyu's lips.

Junkyu just stayed there, frozen, still processing what happened, 'Did Jihoon just lick my lips?'

"Park Jihoon, I-" he couldn't continue as Jihoon immediately stopped him saying, "There's still some left!"

"But you can't just..."Once again, Junkyu was interrupted as Jihoon came closer to him, put a hand on the back of his head and proceeded to kiss him, slowly and passionately. And even though Junkyu whined before, he got lost in the rhythm of that gentle kiss.

The kiss lasted for few good seconds. And after he let go, Jihoon looked at Junkyu in the eyes, "If I tell you that there was no chocolate on your lips, would you get mad?"

Junkyu smiled. He knew how mischievous Park Jihoon can get from time to time. But if it's for showing his love for the taller one, who was he to complain? So he said with a smirk, "After you kissed me like that? Never." He then put one hand on Jihoon's cheek after that, "And my boyfriend has every right to kiss me, right?"




JUNKYU I swear-

Junkyu opened his eyes with extreme irritation. And as soon as the daylight reached his eyes, he felt frustrated. He immediately discovered himself on his bed, in the apartment building, far away from Korea.

It felt so real!

Junkyu touched his lips, the sensation of Jihoon's one there a moment ago still lingered.

His lips felt so real!

Junkyu couldn't understand why things like these happened to him. Ever since he left Korea, he missed Jihoon like crazy. He called Jihoon every now and then and spent his day chatting with him as much as he could. But at night, he still missed his best friend's presence. He wanted to be embraced by Jihoon, be loved and teased by him, be with him all the time just like before. But nothing explained why he would keep on having those weird dreams about his friend.

The dream felt so damn real!

Junkyu groaned while getting up. He had to join his classes while his best friend was all the way in South Korea, because that was his reality.

I miss you, Jihoonie.

But Junkyu knew that he didn't just miss his best friend. He had been dreaming about Jihoon for quite a while and every time, he imagined Jihoon as someone more than a friend.

'Is it really the case? Have we really crossed the boundaries of friendship and entered into the lovers' zone? Do we really love each other that much to leave everything behind and have a unusual relationship that many people may not approve of?'

Junkyu sighed. He knew it was hard to decide on his own. But he knew one thing, he did love his best friend enough to take some major risks.

Jihoonie, baby, just wait for me. I will shower you with all the love once I meet you again, I promise.

However there's one thing Junkyu doesn't know, whether his wishes were granted or not by the one Who controls everything- God.


So, I made up for the last few chapters, didn't I? 😉

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