Chapter 12

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Jeongwoo was bored. It was holiday but he had nothing to do. Both him and Junghwan planned to play games all day long but Junghwan had a sudden family programme, so their plan was ruined. Jihoon was also in his room, studying with Junkyu for their upcoming college entrance exam. It pained Jeongwoo knowing all of his hyungs would leave him behind as they would graduate soon. It never occurred to him before his easy going hyung started studying seriously. When Junkyu arrived in the morning, Jeongwoo thought they could have fun but no, they had other plans. Junkyu had his loaded backpack with him in order to study with Jihoon  because he couldn’t concentrate alone. Jeongwoo had his own studies too, but you know how at times, no matter how much you want to, you cannot study a single word, Jeongwoo was going through that phase.

When he thought about texting Haruto or Jaehyuk to pass his utter boredom by, the doorbell rang. Wondering about who could come that moment, he went to open the door in his messy hair and clothes.

The moment he met eyes with the tall, handsome Japanese boy at the door, he wanted to shrink to the ground in utter embarrassment about his appearance. The boy outside, however, didn’t budge a bit by that and his huge grin didn’t waver a bit.

“Hi!” Haruto enthusiastically said.

“Hi, umm, why are you here all of a sudden?” Jeongwoo asked.

“Can’t I come visit my friend during my day off?”

“I mean, you didn’t say you’re coming.” Jeongwoo had a little pout on his lips. Haruto noticed that and laughed, “ If I did, would I have been able to see you in your bedhead?” he teased.

“Ruto you evil!” Jeongwoo said out loud and hit him playfully. They were still standing at the door, both forgetting about getting inside the house.

“Jeongwoo, who are you talking to?” A female voice spoke from inside the house that startled Haruto.

“It's Haruto, my friend, mom!” Jeongwoo replied. That made sense, the woman must be Jeongwoo’s mother. This made Haruto embarrassed. He didn’t think about Jeongwoo’s parents. The other day he came, only Jihoon and Jeongwoo was here, so he thought, this time too, it would be those two. As he himself stayed in an apartment with three other guys without any parental supervision, he didn’t imagine that in a holiday, Jeongwoo’s parents could be home.

“Shit, Jeongwoo! I forgot about your mom!” He said panicking.

Now it was Jeongwoo’s turn to tease him.. “It wouldn’t have happened if you just informed me, you know.” He jokingly said, but regretted it soon after watching the look of embarrassment on Haruto.

“Okay, sorry, sorry. Don’t worry. Mom is used to it. Every holiday, either Junghwan or Junkyu hyung, or even both comes to visit and mom is more than happy at that.” He assured Haruto.

“But still, it’s your only day together, and I came here unexpected-"

Jeongwoo cut him off by saying, “You’re not the only one, pal. Junkyu hyung's also here.” This time, Jeongwoo dragged Haruto by his sleeves inside the house as the taller one had no sign of moving since realizing his mistake.

Jeongwoo took Haruto to his mom’s room first. Haruto greeted her politely and she immediately liked him. Haruto had that vibe in him, being both tall and handsome and having an amiable behaviour, he won people’s hearts easily. Talking a little with her, Haruto also came to like her. She was caring and genuinely happy so see her sons' friends coming to visit them. As she’s always busy working, she felt like her sons felt lonely, but seeing their friends always accompanying them, she felt relieved.

After some small talks, the boys left her and Jeongwoo took Haruto to his room.
His room wasn’t big, but it looked like a storm swept den. Haruto couldn’t hold the laughter that skipped his mouth to which, Jeongwoo hit him again. There was a pile of clothes on Jeongwoo’s chair that he insisted he was planning on organizing but Haruto doubted that. The bed sheet was hanging from the bed at one corner. The table had a pile of books, pens and a pair of headphones. At one corner, the PC table was loaded with stuff and under it, the wires were all tangled.

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