Chapter 1

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Many may think having an older brother to wake you up everyday before school is a blessing but trust me, it has its downside. As can be seen in Jeongwoo's case, after playing late night games, he was in no way paying attention to set the alarm on due time because, he has his hyung! Just when, the peaceful slumber arrived at the early morning and Jeongwoo was literally in the most peaceful state of mind, a frantic Jihoon yelled, "Park Jeongwoo! We're gonna be late today!!! I overslept" And I'd just say, the two boys reaching school in due time was possible only because of their inhumane capability to complete tasks at 3x speed when needed.

Jeongwoo and Jihoon are siblings, their father works overseas and their mother usually leaves earlier than expected due to the traveling distance being long and returns home at 10 pm approximately. So, basically, the eldest son, Jihoon was in charge of Jeongwoo. Jihoon usually is a responsible kid, but he too was human. So he made mistakes here and there and that made both of them lose some of their unending energy. But the chaotic duo couldn't be stopped that easily!

Jihoon and Jeongwoo attended the same school as per convenience. Even though they were four years apart by age, their grades were only two years apart, because Jihoon started school late due to family purpose. Jeongwoo was a sophomore while Jihoon was a senior, meaning he'd graduate soon. Both of them have such a nice chemistry that even though they do not match that well as per appearance, their behavior will make you believe they came from the same parents.

After reaching school barely on time, they went their separate ways. Jeongwoo seems to be a hyperactive kid at home, but he's really shy about meeting new people. So in his freshman year, he could only make a few friends. Among them, his closest friend is Junghwan, who's basically a year younger than him. Junghwan is a sweet kid, good at sports, academics or cultural activities, specially dance. He likes to eat a lot and play games with Jeongwoo. But what's best about Junghwan to Jeongwoo is how easy he is to talk to. Jeongwoo can say about anything to Junghwan who always takes everything positively. So Jeongwoo, after reaching his class, naturally makes his way to sit beside Junghwan as the teacher enters just about a second after.

"You're devastated!" Junghwan teased watching the disheveled hair on the other.

"Jihoon hyung was late" Jeongwoo whisper yelled, watching as the teacher started talking. Junghwan just smiled without prolonging their chitchat. Guess he can leave the teasing for later, during lunch break.

Jihoon on the other hand, wasn't as lucky. Reaching his class, he was met with a bright pair of eyes, nope, screw that! A mischievous pair of eyes and a loud mocking voice that yelled, "Aye Park Jihoon! You look like you've been through a storm! Your hair's sticking out like crazy!" Yep. Loud and clear, for everyone in the class to notice. Way to go Kim Junkyu! However, glaring at Junkyu for the whole walk to his seat, Jihoon ultimately chose to sit beside Junkyu because, well, they were the best of friends!

After receiving the glare for a few seconds, Junkyu finally stopped laughing and said, "The first period is off! Why'd you rush?"

"What? When? I didn't know!" Jihoon was in disbelief.

" Dude, I sent you a text. Do you even check?" A hint of upset was evident in his voice.

"Ah! That's what I forgot then! I was in a hurry, so forgot doing it. Sorry Junkyu ya~"

Junkyu pouted a bit, "Serves you right then"

Jihoon then acted a fake heart attack and that made Junkyu laugh. Junkyu was perfect in Jihoon's eye. Tall, well proportionate, has fair skin, black hair, a bright pair of eyes and a very charming smile. He was fun to be with, fun to tease, fun to be teased by and most importantly, he was a good listener and a kind supporter. Jihoon was lucky to get this guy as his best friend and he has no plan to let him go.

Jihoon and Junkyu mostly bickered and playfully hit each other during the whole period. Even when teachers were there for the other periods, they silently had their playful bickering on, well, mostly, Jihoon distracting Junkyu by throwing paper balls without the teacher noticing. Junkyu just hit him in return.

For everyone, may be relatively longer, classes eventually ended to declare lunch time and you can see how every student seemed to be back to life. Same goes for Junkyu. After the bell rang, all of his tiredness went away and he looked super chilling! Jihoon only laughed. Soon he met Jeongwoo and Junghwan. These four usually have their lunch together.

"Jeongwoo ya! Did you jump in the hurricane too?" Junkyu teased.

"Totally hyung! He looked like a bird swept away once he came into the class." Junghwan replied, earning a high five from Junkyu.

" Just because I overslept, you guys are making fun of us! As if you never wake up late!" Jihoon said.

"But we at least have our bedhead managed and our shirt tucked in and not to mention the zippe-" Jihoon quickly grabbed Junkyu's mouth as he understood what he was on about. Yes, unfortunately, Jihoon had his fliers open while walking into the classroom but none of the others noticed and Junkyu spared him the favor of not shouting about that!

Junghwan and Jeongwoo both laughed as they understood, but avoided teasing him about it, looking at how desperately Jihoon wanted the topic to be changed.

"So Junghwan, what did you eat to become this big? You're making me feel like you're my hyung!" Junkyu asked as he was spared from Jihoon's bicep lock.

"Grass" Junghwan joked, making them laugh.

"So you're now our Super baby because you ate grass?" Jihoon teased.

"No, he's our Super King baby" Jeongwoo added.

"Super King King baby" Jihoon added, to make the rhythm stand out.

"Super King Cow Baby" Jeongwoo finalized.

And all four of them laughed out loud because that phrase went perfectly well with the big baby of the group, Junghwan.

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