Chapter 5

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Jeongwoo wished Haruto would have opened the door but he was met with another pretty face.

“Hi hyung, I'm Jeongwoo, from the last party.”

The pretty guy just nodded. Jeongwoo didn’t mind though, back at that night, he kind of figured out just how strangely quiet Asahi is. Asahi did gesture a ‘come in' though, which Jeongwoo gladly followed. Even though his eyes were looking everywhere inside the room to find out a certain someone, Jeongwoo could not but notice the presence of a new guy in the room. As soon as they made eye contact, the guy waved.

“Hi" Jeongwoo shyly bowed. Is this place a gathering of models or what? Everyone is more handsome than the other!

“I'm a friend of Asahi from school, you can call me Jaehyuk.” He said.

“I'm Jeongwoo, brother of Mashiho hyung's friend.” Of course, addressing himself as Haruto's friend would have been easier, but for some reason, he did not want to be known as a ‘friend’ of Haruto.

Mashiho came out to the living room hearing Jeongwoo's voice almost instantly, flashing his famous cute grin, “Jeongwoo!”

Jeongwoo couldn’t’ help replying with another smile. Something about Mashiho always made him smile, “I'm here to take Jihoon hyung's assignment.”

Was it Jeongwoo only, or did the smile in Mashiho’s lips falter slightly? Did he not like Jeongwoo here? Or did he expect Jihoon to come take his documents on his own?

Jeongwoo didn’t care that much as he was still looking for someone, without being too obvious about it. Mashiho returned soon, with the documents in his hand, however, he asked Jeongwoo not to rush outside as soon as he received what he needed, rather gossip a bit while munching on random snacks and Jeongwoo gladly complied.

After hesitating a bit, he finally gained enough courage to ask where the rest of the Japanese guys of the apartment were and the reply Mashiho gave made him even more upset. Both Haruto and Yoshi had gone to take part in the audition and no one knows when they'd return. As much as he wanted to wait, the reason for him doing so was getting vaguer by the moment and he finally intended to stand up when Jaehyuk stopped him by his casual chitchats.

Jaehyuk was a bright guy, with hardly any judgemental mind-set. He could talk about the most random thing ever and still make it fun. His handsome face added to his soft demanour made it even harder to resist talking to him. All four people in that room were so happily invested in their little talk that they forgot to keep track of time. When Jeongwoo noticed how late it actually got was when he had a call from his worried brother. He instantly stood up to go home but Mashiho didn’t want him to leave alone at that time.

“Jeongwoo, it’s pretty late now. You can't possibly go alone.” He said.

“But hyung, Jihoon hyung needs the documents urgently.” He said, obviously feeling guilty about not doing what he was meant to do on time.

“This is the incomplete assignment of him, right? I'm also working on the same thing. We can just copy mine on his one and take it with me tomorrow, before the class starts.” Mashiho proposed. 

“We can all help if you want.” Jaehyuk said, smiling. He knew he shared the same guilt, but still wanted to sound reliable.

Jeongwoo wasn’t willing to stay, but he found no other way to solve the problem at hand. So, he called Jihoon. After a heated debate and a stern lecture, Jihoon finally agreed that staying at their place was the safest choice for Jeongwoo and agreed with their plan.

In all the ruckus about whether to stay or not, Jeongwoo forgot the reason why he wanted to help Jihoon in the first place. So when, the bell rang, he didn't even bother looking at the door as Asahi stood up to open the door once again.

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