Chapter 8

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Even though Jihoon was nearing his limit, he still felt happy when Junkyu wanted to stay over to simply binge watch movies with him and Jeongwoo. Junkyu is a person who loves to sleep. Whenever he got time, he slept. There were days when all three of them planned to do so many things together, be it watching a movie, partying or just simply chilling and talking, but Junkyu always ended up sleeping the earliest. The more this happened, the less excited Jeongwoo felt about Junkyu staying over. Jihoon however, simply enjoyed the company of his best friend. Even when Junkyu ruined their movie nights, he'd still generate a smile thinking how peaceful the other’s face looked while sleeping. He'd never admit it to his brother though, but he never lost a bit of excitement he felt when Junkyu said he'd stay over.

When Junkyu arrived, he looked lively like always. He wore only a striped shirt, tucked inside his loose pants and a cute beret. Jihoon long ago agreed on his own that Junkyu in a beret is the best thing ever. The thing about Junkyu is, he radiates happiness. No matter how bad the situation is, just one look at Junkyu, and Jihoon is all cheered up. Jihoon thought about these things a lot. Why did he feel so happy with his best friend? It's not like he hadn’t made fun of Junkyu, but why, when others say something bad about him, Jihoon bluntly opposes right at their face? Jihoon spent nights wondering why Junkyu always looked so beautiful? Why is his body in the most perfect proportion and why does he feel protective around the taller guy? Jihoon struggled a lot to find the answers, but failed. Only recently did he realize why. The trigger was the coming out of Mashiho in front of everyone. Yes, he did feel jealous before, but that can be concluded as the jealousy of a best friend, or so he thought. But when Jihoon could see why Mashiho acted all lovey dovey around Junkyu, he felt a different kind of anger and insecurity building up inside him, knowing that there is a possibility of Mashiho to actually like Junkyu. He couldn’t even imagine anyone with Junkyu, let alone Mashiho. And at that moment did he picture himself with the tall boy and found out the answer to all his queries so far.

Jihoon had been in love with his best friend from the very start.

He himself didn’t know when it started, but could see that he fell way too deep in love. Knowing the truth made Jihoon even more frustrated than he previously was. Because he knew Junkyu never once crushed on a person of the same sex as him. So, Jihoon figured out that it'd be best to hide his feelings and let them go.

Seeing Junkyu in beret, however, made it hard for Jihoon to look away. The oblivious Junkyu even flexed about his hair that he was taking care of.
The strange feeling in Jihoon’s gut became tolerable as Jeongwoo came to join them for the binge movie night. At first, all three of them actively commented on various characters and the actions they were taking. But soon, someone went into his dreamland. Surprisingly, that someone was Jeongwoo, who usually is the most active one.

“Why did that hyperactive kid fall asleep?” Junkyu jokingly asked.

“He's been playing a lot of games at night with Haruto.” Jihoon annoyingly answered.  The well-wisher hyung told Jeongwoo to sleep in time for his own good, but the kid's always like- ‘just 5 more minutes!’ Honestly, does these 5 minutes ever end?

After sending Jeongwoo off to his room, Jihoon and Junkyu turned off the TV and went to Jihoon’s room to prepare for bed because they'd have to wake up in the morning to attend school. But before they could do anything, Junkyu suddenly brought up something he shouldn’t have, “Don’t you think it’s strange?”

Jihoon raised a brow waiting for him to clarify what he was indicating.

“The thing about Mashiho. I only thought it’s possible in books or movies.” Junkyu said.

Jihoon felt hurt and insulted at the same time, “Don’t you know it’s legalized in several counties? “He said, annoyance evident in his tone which made Junkyu a bit startled.

“No, I mean, it’s not wrong or anything, but I have never seen anyone like this, or known someone who might know anyone like this.” He clarified.

Jihoon sighed. “It’s okay, now you know someone who's like this.” He said, not wanting to prolong the conversation, as he was at the risk of revealing the truth about himself if he talked more.

“Yeah, it’s strange but cool!” Junkyu's eyes lit up. Jihoon just faked a smile.

“Jihoon ah, do you think he likes someone we know? I mean, I have never seen him talk to anyone else other than us and his roommates.” He asked again.

“Why does he have to like someone? Maybe he doesn’t.” Jihoon bluntly said.

“But then, how did he know he's gay?” Junkyu asked. Jihoon just shrugged his shoulders. Junkyu thought for a bit. It’s his usual habit of knitting his brows together and looking aimlessly at anything around him while moving his lips on his own when he thinks. Jihoon knows it very well and he loves these little details about the other.

“Is it possible for Mashiho to like someone among us? Like us or his roommates?” he again asked, clearly curious.

Jihoon sat straight while putting both his arms on Junkyu's shoulders before speaking, “What if he does? And what if he likes someone that's none other than you yourself?”

Junkyu stuttered, laughed nervously and looked ridiculously in Jihoon’s eyes before leaving a loud laugh, “What are you talking about?”

“I’m serious. What if he does confess to you one day?” Jihoon's piercing gaze made Junkyu lose his smile.
“I don’t know, I've not thought about it.” Junkyu said.

“Then think now.” Jihoon coldly said.
Junkyu once again fell silent while thinking and Jihoon waited.

“I don’t know, Jihoon ah. I never dated anyone. I don’t know how one must feel for the other. And I don’t think I'm gay.” Junkyu said in a small voice that melted Jihoon’s heart a bit.

“So, you'll just reject him?” he asked.

“I will say what I told you.” Junkyu replied.

“And if he asks you to wait for him?” Jihoon asked again, all this time, never losing the grip on Junkyu's shoulder.

“Maybe I will? Because I do like him as a friend, if he finds happiness with me, maybe I will wait for my feelings for him to grow.” Junkyu replied.

Jihoon didn’t expect this at all. He thought Junkyu would say something like, ‘no, how can I? I'm not gay’ but no, Junkyu said he'd wait for him, would give him a chance because he also liked him, be it as a friend!

It felt like Jihoon was standing at the edge of a cliff and Junkyu's words pushed him off.

So, he lost all his composure.

“No, you cannot wait for him. Because I won’t let you be with anyone else but me.” Jihoon’s eyes were burning and his strong grip started hurting Junkyu.

“J-Jihoon ah, what are you- why?” Junkyu was nervous and concerned at the same time.

“Oh, you understand everything about Mashiho, but can’t even make out what I'm saying?” Jihoon mocked.

“No, I can't, really. So, please stop playing and speak up.” Junkyu’s tone was shaky, as he was literally in pain by Jihoon’s grip.

Jihoon felt something burning inside of him, making him desperate, jealous and extremely possessive of the person in front of him. So, he did something he'd never have done if he were in the right state of mind.

He grabbed the back of Junkyu’s neck and crashed their lips together.



Anyways, double update! ('Cause I thought chapter 7 was a bit boring..)

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