Chapter 16

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It was evident to Jeongwoo that Jihoon tried hard to stay as normal as possible after Junkyu left. For the first few days, Jihoon frequently visited Jeongwoo’s room to just randomly talk to him because he felt lonely otherwise. Jeongwoo understood and gave him as much time as he could but he could still see the gloom in his hyung's eyes. The only time Jihoon’s eyes lit up was when he video chatted with Junkyu. Their conversation would last long for hours after hours, which was expected because both Jihoon and Junkyu are big talkers. Jeongwoo wanted to know the secret between them that led them to kiss each other on the lips the night before Junkyu left but he couldn’t approach Jihoon to question about it in fear of hurting him. Even so, he somehow concluded that the two most probably liked each other, might even be in a relationship. He was curious about how their long distance relationship would turn out and of course, he wished the best for them.

Jeongwoo had to admit that Jihoon indeed is a genius because he got pretty good grades even though he was devastated during the finals. He was surprised after knowing that Jihoon got chance in his most desired college even though he couldn’t study properly because of all the ruckus about Junkyu’s departure. Jeongwoo was so happy and proud of his brother. But he felt a little bit sad as Jihoon graduated from school leaving him and Junghwan behind. During lunchtime, only him and Junghwan sat on the same table as before, where all five of them used to be. This sometimes made the two of them sigh, but they eventually talked about random things and forgot about that. Junghwan was a very supportive friend and was fun to talk to, as he was innocent, humorous and had no mentality to judge others. So it wasn’t really a problem that they were left alone. However, Jeongwoo did feel concerned about Jihoon since Mashiho attended another college, thinking Jihoon would be lonely in his college, having a lot of new faces around him. So, to give him support, he planned to visit Jihoon along with Junghwan in his college one day.

That day, the two of them reached Jihoon’s college pretty early, meaning, Jihoon was still in class. So, the duo decided to walk around. Jihoon’s college campus was large and nicely decorated. Since it was class time, no one was around which made them feel a little intimidated but they soon got lost in conversation. Jeongwoo still didn’t share with Junghwan about his fat crush on Haruto but he still got teased by Junghwan as he talked about Haruto a lot. On the other hand, Junghwan told him everything about the girl he crushed on and how there might be a possibility for the crush to be mutual. Jeongwoo felt a bit jealous seeing how easily Junghwan could approach the girl, in a cool and chic way. He wondered if he could do that to Haruto too and by any chance if he did, how would Haruto react. Only thinking about it gave him chills.

The two talked until someone patted their heads from behind. Turning around Jeongwoo could see the goofy eye smile of his elder brother who was genuinely happy seeing his dongsaengs in his college.

“That hurt", Jeongwoo said, playfully.

“As if!” Jihoon patted Jeongwoo one more time at that, earning a high five from Junghwan. Jeongwoo just glared, but inside he felt happy seeing his brother all bubbly.

“So, what brings you two here? Hmm? Is it free food?” Jihoon joked.

“Not only that. But yeah, free food sounds nice, hyung.” Junghwan smiled. Jihoon then got between them, holding both of them by their shoulders while walking, “Sure, but let’s just roam around the campus first.” He said.

“How's college?” Jeongwoo asked as the three of them were walking together along the campus road.

“Not much has changed since high school except for the studies. That got tripled. But the place is nice, the people are nice. I'm glad to be here, actually.” Jihoon replied.

“Haven’t you made new friends, hyung?” Junghwan asked, curious as to why Jihoon was alone.

“Not yet. I have been busy with a lot of activities, didn’t get the time to hangout much.”

“Why did you attend this much activities then?” Junghwan again asked, oblivious of the fact that staying busy with different activities helped Jihoon take his mind off Junkyu for sometime.
Jihoon shrugged. Jeongwoo realized why and once again, the kissing scene came to his mind.

After a while, Jihoon started pointing at different buildings and stating which building belonged to which faculty and so on. He joked a bit, making the two boys laugh from time to time.
When their little journey ended, Jihoon took his two dongsaengs at the canteen to treat them with free food, much to Junghwan's delight. But as soon as they occupied a table, someone called Jihoon from behind.

Watching Jihoon greet him politely, Jeongwoo understood that the person was senior to Jihoon and both of them looked pretty close as Jihoon invited him to sit with them and the senior obliged.

“Let me introduce my dongsaengs, this is Jeongwoo, my sibling; and this is Junghwan, his best friend, a very good friend of mine too”, Jihoon said, pointing them by patting their backs and both of them greeted the senior accordingly.

“And this person is a senior to me, Choi Hyunsuk hyung.” Jihoon said, “I met him first as my roll mate senior and he is a very kind and fun person.”

Jeongwoo realized during the meal that what Jihoon said indeed was true. Hyunsuk was both kind and fun. He had a lot of outside knowledge and a lot of swag as well. Besides, he seemed to take good care of Jihoon. He even paid for the meal, much to Jihoon’s protest. Everything about him was positive and impressive.

Still, when Hyunsuk asked Jihoon to attend the party of him and his friends after 7 pm, Jeongwoo felt a bit weird. But when Jihoon obliged, he felt even more weird. Jihoon wouldn’t do something he shouldn’t, but Jeongwoo still felt like something wasn’t right. He couldn’t protest though, because he didn’t find any reason to. He just did not trust the way Hyunsuk looked at Jihoon. Wasn’t it the same as his own way of looking at Haruto? He couldn’t tell for sure, so he left it to fate.

Jihoon wouldn’t betray Junkyu either way, right?

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