Chapter 15

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Haruto didn’t want to imagine things, but he couldn’t help doing so watching how close Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk got. He recently came to know that the two often met at cafes and they also talked a lot, sharing each other’s secrets. Haruto was bothered, jealous, pissed off; but above all, he was super confused. He didn’t get why the closeness of the said two would make him so upset. So he felt the need to spill his own secrets to someone, someone who knew him the best.

After video chatting with his parents and younger sister, Haruto left his room to go to Yoshi’s room. Yoshi was playing games on his phone when Haruto entered. They didn’t talk and Haruto just sat in a comfortable silence before Yoshi spoke up, “Wanna say something?”

Haruto shook his head, letting Yoshi to finish his running game and also to give himself time to process what to say.
“Yoshi san", Haruto called, making Yoshi raise his head from the pillow to look at the seated guy.

“You've been texting someone nonstop, right?” Haruto suddenly said. Yoshi pretended to look shocked but that came out as fake when his ears started to turn red, “What are you talking about?” he said.

Haruto laughed. He noticed it recently, how Yoshi started paying more attention to his phone, how quickly he checks the messages as the vibrating tone goes off in his phone. He also noticed how Yoshi started taking extra care of his outfit, or how excited he stays in general.

“Don’t even try, I know you, san!” He said, “You have a crush on her, right? I can also guess who, you know.” Haruto teased.

Yoshi laughed nervously. It’s true that he started texting with a girl from his company who appeared to be very friendly. They both clicked so well that their texting soon got regular and spontaneous. Yoshi would be lying to say that he didn’t fantasize about having her as his girlfriend but that was too soon at that time. And yes, Haruto must have noticed all these, otherwise he wouldn’t confidently say it. Yoshi realized that denying won’t help.

“Ah, yes. But I'm not sure. It’s all so risky with the dating ban.” He finally said.

“It’s okay, take your time to be sure. I'm sure things will work out for you.”

The two had a bit more of the comfortable silence after that and Haruto finally laid down beside Yoshi.

“I wanna know something, san. I'm so frustrated because I can’t understand.” Haruto said, breaking the silence this time.

Yoshi looked at his side, “what is it?”
“ You know, I have a friend who had been of great support from the day we knew each other. I always felt happy and safe around that person, but recently, the said one's been spending more and more time with another guy, pissing me off and I don’t know why I feel like this.”

Yoshi listened carefully. Maybe too carefully because he noticed how Haruto avoided gender specifying his friend.

“Well, it may be a crush", he simply said.

“I thought that too, but it’s so weird.” Haruto said.

“What’s weird? Having a crush?” Yoshi asked.

“No, but having a crush on my friend is.” Haruto replied.

“How so? Many relationships start with a good friendship.” Yoshi clarified.

“No, you don’t understand" Haruto paused, thinking of ways to tell the truth to the most trusted person to him, “Look, even saying it out loud makes me feel weird.” He sighed.

“What is it, Ruto?” Yoshi asked, concerned and curious at the same time.

“Ugh, I never thought it would come at this point... San, the one that’s giving me all these butterfly kinda things, isn’t a girl but a boy.”

Yoshi stayed silent for a while processing the words and that scared Haruto. What if his long time friend, the one whom he thinks as his own older brother will start hating him? They live in the same apartment, so what if Yoshi is repelled by him and is creeped out because of him liking a boy?

“Wow, I never thought you too would be like this.” Yoshi said.

“Why? Are you disgusted?” Haruto asked.

“No, it’s not disgust. It’s not even new to me, but ever since I knew you, I never thought you would like a boy.”

“Is it that bad, san?” Haruto asked in a small voice.

“No, why would it be bad? Look, it depends on the perspective of every person. Some people will say things because they aren’t open to these kind of relationships but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing. You love who you love. You can’t change how your heart feels, right?” Yoshi said. Haruto felt so happy to hear these words. He knew all along that Yoshi is a very understanding guy. He just got his proof one more time that day.

“Thank you, san. I thought you’d creep out.” Haruto said.

“What? No, I didn’t creep out about Mashiho even, then why would I-"

“Mashiho san?? Is he like this too?” Haruto asked, stopping Yoshi mid sentence.

“Ops! I spilled that, didn’t I?” Yoshi bit his tongue as he accidentally shared Mashiho’s secret with Haruto.

“Ahh.. it's okay, it’s not like I'll judge him or anything.” Haruto tried to make Yoshi feel better.

“But, it’s still s secret. I'll have to tell him about this later. Ugh, I just made a mess.”

Haruto giggled, watching his san being frustrated due to his silly mistake.

“Whatever, so what about you? Are you sure about your crush on him now?” Yoshi changed the topic back to Haruto.

“Maybe. Because, nothing else justifies how I feel towards him. Whenever I see Jeongwoo with Jaehyuk hyung, I just-"

“So is it Jaehyuk or Jeongwoo?” this time, Yoshi stopped Haruto noticing how Haruto spilled the two names this time.

“Ah so this is how it feels when you accidentally give away information” Haruto laughed, “Anyway, it’s actually Jeongwoo. Wow, even saying his name feels great!”

“Oh my God Haruto! You’re gone! You’re totally lovesick!” Yoshi laughed out loud. Haruto didn’t deny though, that much effect was being left on him by the tanned Korean male everyday.

“I bet Jeongwoo likes you too.” Yoshi said.

“How do you know that?” Haruto asked, his heart beating fast at the possibility.

“It’s just the vibe going around you two, you know. You should tell him how you feel soon.” Yoshi replied.

“Yeah, but about Jaehyuk hyung, I'm not sure. They spend way too much time together.” Haruto said, a bit sad.

“Then just ask them whether they like each other or not.” Yoshi advised.

“Are you sure? Because if I ask Jeongwoo and he says that he likes Jaehyuk hyung, I'll go crazy.” Haruto said.

“Then ask Jaehyuk the next time he comes home. He’s an honest guy, he won’t lie. Just be ready to receive either good or bad news.” Yoshi said.

Haruto nodded. Facing the truth from Jaehyuk would hurt less if it’s a bad news. Thanking Yoshi, Haruto stayed there for a while. Coming out to someone like Yoshi made him happy, calm and grateful. The confusion lessened a bit and Haruto saw a new ray of hope.

‘Just what are you on about, Jeongwoo?’ Haruto kept thinking for the rest of the day.

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