Chapter 10

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The feeling of Junkyu's lips against his own made Jihoon feel a new kind of euphoria that he never experienced. The mood, the act of confession, the possession over the person he loved, everything felt so overwhelming for Jihoon at that moment that he felt the sudden burst of emotion that led him to make his utmost fantasy come to life, in other words, to kiss Junkyu. But as soon as Jihoon let go of the precious, pretty pair of lips of Junkyu, he regretted his action.

Junkyu looked devastated. Not in his usual shocked face that Jihoon often mimicked, but a really scared face that showed utter disbelief. Jihoon felt ashamed of himself and tried desperately not to lose himself then and there. How could he do that to the person that trusts him blindly? How could he not consider how Junkyu might feel about his very best friend falling for him? That too, if both of them have the same gender?

Junkyu calmed down after few good minutes. The initial shock created a sorrowful and awkward situation that vanished in an instant with Junkyu's 'Whoa'.

Jihoon, who had kept looking down right after taking a single glance at Junkyu's face after the kiss, lifted up his head at that.

"Jihoonie." Junkyu said.

To say that Jihoon's heart beat at the fastest pace possible might reflect how he was feeling. It was anxiety and restlessness, it was anticipation with the fear of losing his dear friend, it was yet another of Jihoon's uncertain nights, only exception was, it wasn't just his imagination; everything happened for real. Jihoon's eyes were showing all those heavy emotions he felt and Junkyu decided that for once in his life, he should think carefully before talking in order not to hurt his dear friend.

"Why did you do that, Jihoonie?" He calmly asked. No disgust, no hard feelings, he just looked inside Jihoon's eyes with the supportive gaze of a friend that asks the other one to trust him.

"I'm sorry, Junkyu. I promise I'll never do that again. I'll never even talk about it. Just please, don't hate me."

Junkyu's heart broke. The confident Jihoon, the one that was always one step ahead of him in everything, the one that was his shelter, his shade, his hyung, the one person with whom he shared even the darkest secret of him was being like a desperate person who was ashamed of his action. Junkyu couldn't take it. No matter what Jihoon did, he didn't deserve to put his head down and beg for his forgiveness. So, in order to show all the respect he had always had for Jihoon to stop him from acting like a torn guy, Junkyu hugged Jihoon.

The moment the wide shouldered guy embraced him, Jihoon let go of the tears that built up inside him after he kissed the other. He felt thankful, that Junkyu didn't react in a way a normal person would. He felt respectful towards the bond that they shared. And above everything, he felt loved.

"Jihoon ah, why are you apologising? It's okay to like a person and to show it. You didn't do anything that will make me hate you. And please, never keep your head down in front of me ever, you deserve way more than that."

The tone of Junkyu's voice was so soft that it made the words pierce right into Jihoon's soul and that made him cry harder. Why was he so lucky to have someone as Junkyu in his life? It was him who was at fault, yet, it was him who was consoled. Jihoon knew all along that Junkyu was kind, but he never knew the extent. The acceptance and appreciation towards Jihoon made it evident to him that Kim Junkyu has the most precious soul. And Jihoon's love for Junkyu only grew stronger at that.

The hug lasted until Jihoon's sobs turned into mild breathing. Junkyu broke the hug to wipe the tear stained cheeks of his best friend.

"You cried like a baby!" He joked. Jihoon just laughed. He didn't want to tease back or throw tantrums because in his heart, he felt really grateful.

"Junkyu ah, I'm still sorry. I could have told you at first. But I invaded your personal space. So, yes I should be sorry." He sternly said. Junkyu knew that speaking otherwise would never stop Jihoon so he just smiled and nodded his head.

The room again fell silent. This time, Jihoon took both of Junkyu's hands in his own and kept on caressing them while his head was full of questions. Junkyu just let him be. Being his best friend for many years, it never felt awkward to him when Jihoon held his hands, rather, it gave him assurance and comfort.

"Can I ask you something?" Junkyu said, seeing as Jihoon wasn't talking on his own. Jihoon, coming out of his own world, just nodded.

"When did you start liking me? I mean I never received any hint." He said.

Jihoon shrugged. He still felt uncomfortable talking about his feelings. He felt exposed and small in front of Junkyu knowing that his feelings were not reciprocated.

Junkyu took this as a hint to stop talking about Jihoon's feelings. Since none of them found anything else to talk about due to the heavy air surrounding them, Junkyu decided to approach in another way to make things easier.

"Jihoon ah," this time, Junkyu put his hands on Jihoon's shoulders, "listen, you know that I don't feel the same for you yet, right?" his harsh statement made Jihoon look sadder but he stood his ground. Jihoon gave a small nod.

"But you know that I don't have anyone in my life too, right?" he paused for a moment. "I'm not saying that it's certain of me to grow feelings for you, but I'll not look at anyone else if I don't confirm that it's not possible for me to like you back, ok?" he said with the most sincere look in his eyes that Jihoon had ever seen and that surprised Jihoon because he expected a polite rejection.

"Are you saying that it's possible for you to like me back? Like there's even a little chance?" he asked.

Junkyu nodded. "I wouldn't give you a false hope. Because, you know that you're the most important person to me beside my family members. I may not love you as a lover, but I surely love you a lot as a friend. And I'd do every possible thing to make you happy."

Jihoon felt a happy for many reasons, one of them was that he did have a chance with Junkyu. Another one was that Junkyu didn't take a rushed decision of loving or not loving him as a partner. He clearly wanted to give it time and thought. And Jihoon felt way too grateful for that. He decided in an instant that he'd patiently wait for Junkyu to either say yes or no after taking as much time as he needed.

After Junkyu stated what he felt was the right thing to do, they gradually started having small talks that led them to feel sleepy, specially Jihoon since crying at an ungodly hour caused him to strain his eyes and to have a bad headache. Junkyu soon followed suit as he was the ultimate sleep lover.

It was funny to see both of them sleeping side by side, legs on one another while Junkyu was side hugging Jihoon, his best friend, who had always been a very dear person to him.


Omo kyu🥺❤

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