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Monica sat peacefully on her couch, the tv quietly playing as she scrolled through her phone

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Monica sat peacefully on her couch, the tv quietly playing as she scrolled through her phone. Her apartment wasn't huge but it also wasn't small. It was Monica-sized. Perfect for her and her one-year-old, black labrador puppy, Buddy. It had a bedroom, on sweet bathroom, laundry, an open floor plan kitchen and living room and lastly a small balcony with a table and chair.

When you enter through the door the first thing you see is the light grey walls, the matching dark grey, wooden floorboards. Stepping into the apartment, you enter the living/kitchen era. The couch was pressed against the wall of the living room, a white blanket draping over the back. In front of the couch, laid a white, fluffy rug and a black chest that was used as a coffee table. On the opposite wall sat a wooden TV stand. It held Monica's tv on top, as well as photos of her with friends and family, on the shelves underneath were some books and fake house plants.

The kitchen was one of Monica's favourite things about her apartment. All the cabinets were made of black wood. Black counters, sink and stovetop. There was a small, red coffee machine next to the sink and a cute, little shelf that held the sugar, tea and cocoa powder. On the left side of the sink was Mon's grey refrigerator. It had a list of stuff to get from the supermarket held up by a magnetic. To the right of the stove, there was a silver oven, above that was a microwave. Lastly, there was an island with bar stool chairs.

Her bedroom and bathroom were just down the short hallway. The same grey painted walls, a queen size bed, wooden wardrobe, bedside table that had her clock and phone charger. At the foot of her bed was Buddy's dog bed that he never slept on. The bathroom was small. It had black tiles, white vanity with cabinets and a shower. The laundry was just like any other, just smaller.

With Buddy sleeping peacefully at her feet, Monica listened to the sound of the TV. It was only the news playing so she wasn't completely focused on it. But the sound of the TV soon went quiet when a loud knocking came from the door.

Buddy jumped awake, barking at the sudden noise. He quickly jumped off the couch, running over to the door. Monica let out a frustrated sigh as she stood from her spot, leaving her phone on the coffee table.

"Bud! Sit." She told him. He listened and sat to the side. "Good boy." The knocking just got louder and heavier against the door. "I'm coming!"

Looking through the little hole in the door, she saw the wild hair that belonged to her neighbor, Mary. Rolling her eyes, Monica unlocked the door. There stood Mary, out of her work uniform and in more comfortable clothes. She held in one hand a bag of chocolate chip cookies and in the other a pizza box.

"Move bitch. It's girls' night." Mary said, pushing the scientist to the side with her elbow. Monica stood by the door, with a confused look on her face. She raised an eyebrow as her friend made herself feel at home. Buddy followed her, dancing around at her feet. The waitress placed the cookies and pizza box on the coffee table before grabbing two wine glasses and a fresh bottle of wine.

"I thought girl's night was this weekend," Monica spoke slowly, closing her apartment door. She heard the loud pop of the wine bottle followed by the fizzy pour. Mary smiled, humming as she shook her head from side to side.

"Not anymore," she said simply, "there has been a change of plans since I saw you talking to a hot guy earlier today and because I knew you won't spill easily, I brought the leftover cookies from work and a fresh, large, cheese pizza," she explained, placing both glasses next to the pizza box. She sat down on the couch, waiting for Monica to make her move.

Monica stared down at the food and the two fizzy glasses of wine. Mary knew her too well for her own good. Sighing, she sat down next to her, picking up a slice of pizza. There was no point in trying to fight her, she's just as stubborn as she is. Mary smiled, clapping her hands together.

"Yay! Okay, now talk, I need to know everything!" She said, happily. Monica pulled the cheesy slice of pizza away from her lips, frowning.

"Can't I enjoy the pizza first?" She whined. Mary shook her head, closing the greasy box. Of course, this girls' night came with a price. And that price was pizza.

"Nope, you get it after you explain. You know I never get to be a part of boy talk." Mary said, sadly, taking a sip of her wine. The scientist raised an eyebrow at her friend. Closing her eyes, she took a breath.

"Mary. Honey. You're a lesbian." Monica reminded her, "Just last week you told me that all men are disgusting pigs."

"Actually, I said that all men are disgusting pigs unless they're Johnny Depp or Hugh Jackman." She corrected her.

"What about Eddie Redmayne?"

"Oh yeah, he's hot too."

"Henry Cavill?"

"Him too,"

"Andrew Garfield?"

"And him,"

"Chris Hemsworth?"

"Of course,"

"Tom Felton?"

"Ew no, hard pass." Mary said, making a disgusted face, "I would rather have sex with Justin Bieber."

"Fear enough. What about Leonardo DiCaprio?" Monica asked.

Mary tapped her lip. "When he was younger?" Mary asked. Monica nodded her head. "Then yes. Now Stop trying to change the subject! We're talking about the guy you met not questioning my sexuality."

"Emily Blunt?"

"She could hit me with a bus and I'd say thank you." Mary said quickly, "Hurry up and tell me about this man so I can get drunk and question my sexuality."

Monica felt a small smile dance on her lips, shaking her slightly before taking a sip of her wine. She loved Mary, she really did. One of the reasons they became friends is because they were almost complete opponents.

"Well I didn't talk to him for long but I do know that his name is Clint and that he's a flirt." Monica began, Mary listened carefully as she continued to drink her glass of wine. "Um, he has beautiful eyes and-"

"Did he have any muscles?" Mar asked, cutting her off. Monica inhaled her wine, it quickly hit the back of her throat. She let out a few coughs as she hit her chest. "What? If he was covered in bandages he at least had to have had some muscle."

Monica looked back in her memories, trying to remember exactly what he looked like. Mary was right in a way. He did have a lot of bandages, some that probably means he has a physical job which also means that he's strong. The brunette bit her lip, nodding her head.

"Yeah, I guess he did,"

The two sat in comfortable silences for a moment. Monica grabbed her second slice of pizza, Mary refilled both of their glasses with more bubbling wine and Buddy laid at his mother's feet letting out an adorable yawn. Mary looked out the window, to the balcony. The sun was beginning to set, the clouds turning a soft pink colour.

She sighed looking back at Monica, "Maybe I am Bi."

( A/n - Just I know I broke the 4th wall with the Chris Hemsworth thing, but am I really wrong? ;) )

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