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It was dark outside

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It was dark outside. The moon shone brightly down to the streets below along with the billions of stars that danced around the sky. The wind blew a cool breeze through the night air. Said breeze blew through the trees leaves planted on the side of the road. The amber haze from the street lamps light up the quiet street.

Monica walked through the peaceful street, Buddy walking happily by her side. She couldn't sleep but nothing new was on her mind. Only a few hours before her friend James Rhodes came to her apartment, updating her on the wear abouts for Tony Stark. Still nothing. Still missing. Nothing new. She just wanted to clear her head.

Buddy looked up at his mother with his big brown eyes, his tongue hung from his mouth as he trotted along next to her. She smiled down at him, patting his head, making most of her worries fly away.

She reached inside the pocket of her coat, pulling out her phone. Pressing down the button the screen light, showing her lock screen and the time. It read 12:13am in white numbers. A sigh left her lips, she knew she should be heading home and sleep but the feeling of the cool night air felt relaxing.

"What do you think, Buddy? Should we head home now?" She asked, speaking to her young puppy. He just looked up at her, sitting down in the middle of the sidewalk, wagging his tail quickly. She smiled, shaking her head. "All right, Pup. Up ya get, lets' go." She said, pulling lightly on his lead so he would follow her as she walked the way they just came.

Just over a block away a person dressed in all black, walking towards her. They wore black pantes, black boots and a long black coat making their curly red hair stand out. They were talking but no phone was in their hands. Monica knew they weren't speaking to themself, that much was obvious. As they walked closer together, Monica saw their faces and their sparkling sea green eyes.

The figure had stopped talking after holding a finger to their ear, making Monica ever so nervous but Buddy, who walked on Monica's right at the moment, wanted to greet this questionable person. As the two passed each other Buddy stopped walking and instead started to jump at the person's feet.

"Buddy, no." Monica said, pulling on the lead. "I'm so sorry about him. He doesn't get out much." she laughed nervously. The stranger's hood fell down, allowing Monica to see their whole face. They smiled at her, waving it off without a problem.

"It's alright." They said, "He's very beautiful." They added, kneeling down to pet the existing puppy. Buddy just rubbed his head against their knee and hands, leading into the stranger's warm touch.

"He really likes you," Monica pointed out, "I'm Monica Watson." She introduced. The woman petting Buddy stopped, looking up at the sound of Monica's name. They raised an eyebrow, muttering 'Monica? Where have I heard that name before?'

Then it hit her, "Oh, you're Monica." they said, confusing her. Realising what she'd said, they quickly spoke again, "Sorry, that was weird. You're Clint's friend." Monica nodded her head slowly, still confused.

"You know Clint?" She asked. They nodded.

"I'm his co-worker. I saw the cup with your number on it a couple days ago. I think he really likes you." They told her, "I'm Natasha, by the way." Again, Monica nodded her head slowly, shaking Natasha's hand.

"Wait, how does Clint have my number? I didn't give it to him?" she asked, slightly nervous.

"I'm guessing one of your friends from the coffee shop did." Natasha explained, "It said, 'Monica's number' along with 'goodluck' with a winky face. Are you saying he hasn't texted you yet?" Monica shook her head 'no'.

"Are you saying he was going to message me?"

Natasha nodded. "At first he wasn't but I made him change his mind but maybe he changed his mind again." Monica listened to the redheads words, nodding along with what she was saying. The two women stood in silence for a second. Buddy sitting on Natasha's feet stopping her from going anywhere without hurting him. They listened to the leaves pushing against each other and the flickering of a lamppost down the street.

"Hey, are you ok?" Natasha asked, breaking the silence between the two. "It's not about Clint, is it? Because I can change that. I'll make him next you if that's what you want-"

"Oh, no no. It's not that. I didn't know about him having my number until you told me. It's something else." Monica explained, Natasha smiled at her sadly. "It's putting a lot of stress on me and others. I just came out her to clear my head."

"Is there anything I can do?" Natasha asked. Monica smiled but shook her head. "Let me walk you back to your place. I don't think you should be alone right now." Natasha offered.

"No, it's okay. I couldn't ask that of you. You need to get home yourself." Monica told her. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." She said, tugging on Buddy lead softly making him stand back on his little feet. Natasha shook her head as Monica picked up the now tired puppy.

"It's okay. Just want to make sure you're okay." Monica took a while before replying. She then smiled at Natasha, nodding her head.

"Thank you, Natasha."

(A/n - I know this chapter is shorter than others but I wanted to post something before the Season Finale of Hawkeye and before Christmas. I want to mention I want be updating for a while so I can spend the Holidays with my family :) Merry Christmas and I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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