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Monica lay peacefully in bed

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Monica lay peacefully in bed. Her body relaxed and comfortable as it sunk into the mattress with the weight next to her. Her head rested under Clint's, his arms wrapped loosely around her waist. Buddy curled up at the foot of the bed, they lay in silence. Monica just listened to the fast beating of Clint's heart and his slow breathing. Every now and then Clint would place a soft kiss on Monica's shoulder blade making her smile to herself.

They hadn't seen each other in over a week. All Monica knew was that Clint had been selected for something at work. She didn't know what it was, what he was doing, where he was going or how long he would be gone for, all she was told was that it was important and that he would be back soon. And he was.

Once Clint had returned the first place he went, after a quick meeting, was to her apartment. He knocked on the door and waited impatiently for her to answer but when she did he didn't waste a second before connecting their lips. It shocked the scientist at first but she melted in his arms, feeling like she was in some type of rom-com movie.

"Clint?" she mumbled breaking the silence. Moving her head from under his, she looked into his sea-blue eyes.

"Hmm?" he hummed in response, removing his hand from her waist, he pushed some hair out of Monica's face.

"I feel like Chinese food. What do you think?" Monica smiled.

"I could go for Chinese food." Clint agreed, "But then again, that means we have to move and I'm way too comfortable." He added, closing his eyes before shuffling his body to get more comfortable. Monica smiled, shaking her head lightly.

"Yeah, but I want Chinese." Clint let out a long sigh, rolling onto his back. "Please?" Out of the corner of his eye, Clint saw the puppy dog look on the brunette's face. He started up at the ceiling before sitting up in bed.

"Fine, I'll order." Monica smiled, letting out a small 'yay' as she got off the bed. Grabbing hold of Clint's hand she pulled him into the living room and handed over his phone. "You go pick a movie," he said, placing a kiss just below her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

Monica walked over to her couch. She picked up the remote, turned on the T.V, and flicked through some movies, searching for one that caught her eye as Clint's voice flew around in the background. The scientist rested her chin on the palm of her hand, the words 'Back to the Future' caught her eye. Shrugging her shoulders she clicked on the movie.

"You wanna drink?" She asked Clint quietly seeing he was still on the phone. He nodded his head, still holding the phone to his ear, as Monica walked into the kitchen. She opened up the fridge, taking out the bottle of coke and two glasses from the cupboards when her phone started to ring.

"Hello?" she answered, resting the phone between her shoulder and her ear as she poured the coke into the glass. "Hello?" she repeated again, after not getting a reply the first time.

"Mon? Where are you?" Pepper's voice came through the phone. Monica placed the bottle down on the counter, confused she moved the phone from her shoulder.

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