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The two adults had fallen asleep on the scientist couch that night

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The two adults had fallen asleep on the scientist couch that night. Sounds continued to leave the Tv as moves played one after the other. The sun shone through the window and into the living room, a warm glow scattered through the room.

Monica tiredly tried to open her eyes. As she lay there she realized that her body was slowly rasing into the air and then falling back down at the same speed. Confused, she opened her eye letting them adjust to the bright light. When her eyes finally adjust to the light she saw Clin laying asleep underneath her.

His mouth hung open slightly as he slept. One arm wrapped around her lower back, keeping her from moving while the other rested on his forehead. Trying not to wake him, Monica closed her eyes again and laid her head on his chest. She stayed quiet and didn't dare move.

The apartment was quiet. Monica hear Clint breathe quietly, the cars that drove in the streets below, 'Night at the Musem' played on the tv and an annoying ticking came from the clock hanging on the wall. The arm around her waist was comfortable. It felt right, as if it was meant to be this way.

Buddy, who had woken up for his breakfast, stood from his spot on the floor. He stretched his body as he let out a cute yaw before making his way over to the two humans that lay on the couch. He rubbed his head against Monica's arm that hung off the couch. She didn't react. So he did it again and again and again until he finally gave up. His mother hadn't given him any sign of response.

Buddy shook his head, his collar making a jingle noise as he let out another yawn. He rubbed his mother's hand one last time before barking rather loudly. He frightened both of the adults awake. Out of shock, Clint rolled off of his back and onto his side, Monica fall from his chest. She gripped Clint's arm and hoped she wouldn't fall.

"Sorry," he apologized when he realized what he had done. Monica mumbled something back along the lines of 'it's alright.' as he lazily opened his eyes. A goofy smile formed on his lips when his eyes met hers which made Monica giggle.

"Hey, you," he said in his morning voice. It was deep and froggy but to Monica, it was soft and claiming. "I could get used to this," he mumbled. Monica felt a smile tug at the corner of her lips.

"So could I," the goofy look on Clint's face only grow at the sound of the words that left her mouth. Monica moved her grip from Clint's arm and moved to hold his hand. She compared the sizes of their hands silently before she interlocked their fingers.

Buddy barked again, breaking the silence. The smile dropped slightly from Monica's as she rolled her eyes. She glanced over to Buddy who was staring back at his mother.

"I think he wants you," Clint said as Buddy cocked his head to the side. Monica sighed slightly getting up from the coach. She stretched her arms above her head, feeling her muscles loosen. Buddy, who was now dancing around her feet, lead her to the kitchen.

Clint just watched. Not in a creepy way that makes it look like he's obsessed with her but more of an observing way. He made mental note in his brain of what he looked like in the morning. How her hair was a little messy or how her soft lips were dry and slightly cracked. He made note of how her eye may still have looked tired but they were still beautiful. She was beautiful.

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