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"How's mom and dad? Have you heard from them lately?" The sound of a male's voice came from the other end of the phone

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"How's mom and dad? Have you heard from them lately?" The sound of a male's voice came from the other end of the phone. Monica walked around her apartment kitchen as her shoulder held the phone next to her ear, letting her continue to make herself a cup of coffee. The male voice was a voice that she didn't hear often, that she missed awfully. It was her brother's voice.

"Their good, I think. I haven't heard from them in a while, which is weird because mom usually makes the effort of calling me at least twice a week just to see if I'm okay." Monica replied as she sat back down in front of her laptop, her hot coffee to her left. "But anyway, how's Sam and oh, what's the other one's name again, Ryan?"


"That's it! Don't know where I got Ryan from," she mumbled, taking a long sip from her coffee. "Back to the original question at hand, how are they? Are they good?"

"Yeah, yeah, they're good. Um, Riley's talking to his parents right now, Sam just hung up on his. We've been testing this new stuff lately, so we're all still rather tried from that." Jason, Monica's brother, explained. "Other than being worn-out, the boys are good. Oh, Sam says hi too."

Monica smiled to herself, "Tell Sam I said hi as well and let him know I miss him." She said, "When do you think you'll be able to visit next? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Monica asked. Jason hmmed, down the phone. Thinking of his answer.

"It might be a while. We're waiting to find out about this next mission." Jason explained, "But that's not happing until some time next month so we'll still be able to talk on the phone until then. Just not in person." Even though Monica was disappointed with her brother's response, she understood the reason why she wouldn't see him for a while.

She slowly nodded her head, at her brother's words, "Just not in person," she muttered under her breath, turning her head away from the phone so her brother hopefully wouldn't hear her. She stared at the backdrop on her laptop as the two adults sat in silence. The same old photo of her, her brother, parents and Sam. All of them together, happy at her high school graduation.

"I have to go. I'm so so sorry Mon," Jason said, breaking the silence, Monica nodded her head, forgetting for a moment that her brother couldn't see her. "I'll speak to you when I have time, don't go winning any Nobel prizes while I'm gone." Jason laughed.

Monica smiled for a second, "I'll try not to, can't promise anything" She joked, "Stay safe. Don't get yourself killed. The same rules apply to Sam and Riley, they're not allowed to die either. Don't miss me too much."

"Bye Monnie,"

Before Monica even got the chance to reply, the line cut off and her brother's voice was gone again. The corners of her lips pulled down into a frown. Removing the phone from her ear, Monica stared at Jason's contact name before changing her gaze to her laptop backdrop.

"Goodbye, Jason," she mumbled as she placed her phone down on the countertop. Monica wrapped her face with her hands, her elbows resting on the counter, her lungs letting out a long, saddened sigh. She stayed like that for a few minutes, with her face in her hands. When she finally lifted her head, she felt her lip tremble and a tear roll down her cheek.

Quickly whipping the tear away, Monica stuck into her work. Writing down the things she needed and notes for her to remember. Buddy laid under the breakfast bar, at Monica's feet, moving every half an hour to a different spot.

Monica stayed in her seat, only moving from her spot to either pee or make yet another cup of coffee. Her finger started to hurt from typing all day. Her eyes stang from staring at the bright screen for so long. Her brain started to grow tired making her eyes slowly flutter close, a way of her body telling her to take a break.

She rested her chin on the palm of her hand as she focused blankly on the glowing screen. Her mind completely blank. Monica's eyes shut and he body started to slowly lean forward, her body dozing off into a peaceful sleep, but a loud banging on the door woke her back up.


Buddy quickly stood up from his spot next to the couch, barking loudly as if challenging the noise outside the door. Monica rolled her eyes, rubbing circles on her temples. She slid off her seat, her legs wobbling slightly as her feet made contact with the floor.

"Buddy! Enough! Stop barking." she yelled as she made her way to the front door. Buddy didn't listen, continuing to bark. She just sighed in defeat, as the banging got louder and louder the closer she got to the door. Looking through the pip hole in the door, Monica eyed the person on the other side.

There stood Mary using both of her fists to bang on the door. Her face had a mix of worry and a frustrated look on her face. The neighbors that walked past Monica's apartment glanced over at Mary as they walked passed a sort of disgusted look on their faces.

Monica quickly movie to unlock the door, opening it so Mary wouldn't end up putting a hole through the wood. The waitress sighed in relief at the sighed of seeing Monica alive but that look quickly changed to an infuriated looked, the one that was mixed with worry only a moment before.

"Monica Connie Waston, I thought you were dead," Mary said, "why haven't you been answering my texts? You were meant to meet me at my place over an hour ago for girls' night."

Monica raised an eyebrow. How long had she been working? She glanced up to the clock hung on the wall to her left, finally reading the time after her conversation with her brother. '8.35 pm' it read. She felt her jaw drop slightly as she turned back to Mary.

"We changed it to tonight remember? Because I was going out to dinner with my parents this weekend." Mary explained, "I thought you like died or you were mad at me or something like that- wait, what's wrong?" Mary continued to rant until she finally noticed the upset look on her friend's face.

Monica shook her head lightly, biting her lip as she laughed to break the sad vibe in the air. "I, uh, I've just had a very long day," she said.

Mary just gave her a small smile, making Monica feel better. "Well, how about you stop whatever it is that your doing, you and Buddy come over to my place, we order a pizza, eat some ice cream, drink some wine and you tell me what's going on. How does that sound?" She asked.

Monica nodded her head, smiling sadly as her friend took hold of her hand. "Yeah, I'd like that."

"Come on," Mary said, nodding her head over to her apartment next door. "You too Buddy, come on puppy."

a/n - sorry for like disappearing for so long :/ I've just been taking a mental health break for the last two weeks and also had no idea what to do for this chapter but either way I hope you like it 😊

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