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"Truth or dare?" Monica asked randomly as she propped her elbows on the table

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"Truth or dare?" Monica asked randomly as she propped her elbows on the table. Her fork dangled loosely in her hand, pasta twisted around the fork as she awaited Clint's answer. The blonde turned his head away from his food, meeting her honey brown eyes.

Raising an eyebrow he asked, "What?"

"I said, truth or dare?" Monica repeated, eating the pasta off her fork.

"No, I know what you said," Clint explained lifting his wine glass from the table, "I'm just confused about why you asked the question," he added as he let the rim of the glass touch his lips.

Monica hummed, "Do I really need a reason?" Copying his action she took a sip of her own wine. Nodding his head 'yes' he answered her question.

"Well besides the fact we'll learn a lot more about each other? Because it's fun and you can tell a lot about a person by the type of dares they turn down." Clint nodded his head slowly as he listened carefully to the words that left Monica's lips. "You in?" She asked.

"My as well," Clint said, leaning back in his chair, "Hit me."

Monica sat and thought for a moment, trying to conjure up both a truth and a dare for the blonde across from her. She hummed as she balanced her chin on the palm of her hand. Her eyes never left Clint's sea-blue ones, as if they were having an unknowing staring contest. Clint stared right back, waiting for her to finally ask the question.

"Truth or dare?" Monica finally asked.

"Truth," he replied.

"Oh, so your playing the safe card,"

"No, I'm working myself up." Clint explained, "You know? Take it easy the first lap and then you go hard out."

Monica nodded, understanding completely what he meant. "I never said it was going to be an easy truth. What's your biggest fear?" She asked, "And don't say something like spiders, something meaning full I guess you could put it."

"What's my biggest fear?" Clint repeated, Monica nodded letting him know he heard her correctly. He thought about it, deeply thought about it. "I would say, having everyone that I love be taken away from me." Monica was slightly taken back by his answer. She found it sad but also sweet at the same time. She gave him a small smile. "Truth or dare?"

"I'll say truth as well,"

"What's something you're glad your mom doesn't know about you?"

"Ok, so it was my senior year of high school." Monica started, twirling more pasta on her fork, "I went to this house party with a few of my friends at the time. I had told my mom I saw staying at a friend's place, little did she know I was actually getting high, ended up making out with said friend for about 10/15 minutes before throwing up in this guy's bathtub, the guy who was throwing the party. Someone had called my brother and he took me back to his place so I could sobber up."

Clint's jaw had dropped and he began to laugh at Monica's story. "Wow, okay. That's not what I was expecting."

Monica laughed, "Truth or dare?" she asked.


"I dare you to eat five spoonfuls of mustard," she said, holding up the yellow bottle of mustard that sat on their table in one hand as she reached across the table for the clean spoon atop of his napkin.

Without saying a word, Clint grabbed the spoon and mustard from Monica's hands. His lips were in a tight thin line as he looked at the first spoon full of the yellow condiments. He let out a heavy breath through his nose as he quickly put the spoon in his mouth. He couched, removing the spoon from his mouth.

"Am I allowed water between spoons? I hate mustard." Clint asked, Monica nodded handing him his glass of water. "At least it's not salt," he mumbled before eating another spoon full.

Monica watched as he ate the last three spoon fulls of mustard, a proud smile on her face that he didn't tap out. After swallowing the last spoon, Clint stuck out his touch. Monica laughed and gave him a small round of applause, nodding her head.

"Thank you, thank you, I'm amazing, I know." Clint said sarcastically, "God, that was disgusting! I will not do it again." he said finishing the rest of his water.

The two adults continued to play the game as the evening went on. They'd enjoyed the rest of their meals, finished their drinks and split a chocolate ice cream Sunday between the two of them. But now the two walked, with their arms linked, down to Clint's black car. The sun had set, the warm street lights were on and the wind gently brushed against their skin.

"Ok last one, truth or dare?" Monica asked as Clint unlocked the car door. Opening the passage door he answered,


"If you could swap lives with anyone, who would it be?" she asked as Clint closed the driver's door. Turning his head he looked at the brunette next to him. His eyebrow was raised slightly.

"Anyone?" he asked.

Monica nodded, "Anyone,"

"Do you want the cheesy but sweet answer or the realistic answer?" he asked. Monica titled her head slightly to the side as her head leaned against the headrest of her seat.

"Sweet then realistic." she answered.

"Nobody, cause if I was somebody else I most likely wouldn't know you." Clint explained, turning the car engine on, an 'aww' was heard leaving Monica's lips. "But my realistic answer would be James Bond."

"James Bond isn't even real," Monica laughed.

"Hey! You said 'anyone' you didn't say if they hand to be real or not."

... ... ...

After a short car ride, Clint barked outside Monica's apartment complexes. He opened the car door, offering his hand to Monica to help her from the car. They both walked in silence to Monica's apartment.

The two stood there outside the apartment. Monica's back was almost pressed against her door, her hand interwound with Clint's. He stared down at her, thinking about what his next move was going to be.

Without a word he leaned down, planting his lips on her cheek. The brunette smiled at his action, blush dusted over her face and butterflies flutter around in her stomach. Sure she'd kissed his cheek before but it was something about being on the receiving end that just made it feel different, special even.

"You missed," she said after Clint had pulled away. As he started back into her eyes he tilted his head slightly to the side.


Grabbing the collar of Clint's shirt, Monica smashed her lips onto his. Hi lips were warm and tasted like wine, chocolate and villain ice cream from their desert. He was shocked at first but he quickly melted into the kiss.

Releasing her hold from his collar, Monica moved her hand so she was holding the back of his neck while his moved to around her waist. No matter how childish it sounded, Monica felt like fireworks were going off in her stomach. It felt like time had frozen and they were the only ones left moving.

As they pulled away from the kiss, Clint rested his forehead against hers. A big smile on was painted on Monica's face, a matching one on Clint's. Reaching behind her, Monica twisted the door nob, slightly pushing the door open.

"You want to take this inside?"

"Is that even a question?" 

a/n - sorry I haven't posted in a while 😔 I've been busy with other stuff and haven't really had the time and also had a lot of writer's block. Hope you enjoyed and see you next time I post 😀

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