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"You are going home on the first available aircraft," Fury told Monica as she followed closely behind him

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"You are going home on the first available aircraft," Fury told Monica as she followed closely behind him. They had landed on S.H.I.E.L.D.S' Navy ship, flown in by an agent from where they had crashed in the helicopter.

Sure, Monica would love to be home and be with her children right now, safe in her own home where she can protect them. However, the mere idea that her husband was out there somewhere, with no control of his own body, mind, and thoughts, working for this insane, power-hungry god, did not sit right with her.

She knew that if their roles were reversed, and it had been her taken instead of Clint, he would do everything in his power to find her.

And that's what she planned on doing.

"No," Monica said, stopping in her tracks. Fury stopped at a halt, turning around to face the doctor. He lowered his head, looking at her through his eyebrows. Monica stood tall.

"What did you say?" Nick asked.

"I said, 'No,'." Monica repeated, "I'm not going home anytime soon until I know that my husband is alive and well. Not controlled by attention seeking child-"

"I don't think it's up for debate, Doctor. You're going home for your own safety."

"I don't care if it's for my own safety," she explained, angrily. "I have been working for how long with that stupid cube, away from my home and my children for you. I know more about it than anyone on this ship, if you send me home, the chances of you finding it are slim to none. And you know who has that cube, a madman, and who does that madman have? Two of your men, my husband, and the only other person who knows the same amount, if not more about the tesseract as I do." Monica yelled, her hands flying everywhere as she talked. She continued;

"You want to stop this Loki guy from whatever the fuck he's trying to do? You are going to need my help at least know where the hell he's taken that cube. You can't do this shit alone. You need my help and you know you do. If you send me home, you will lose. Do you understand that? When my husband and the cube are found, then I might just take up your offer of going home, but until then. I'm staying right here."

Fury could see the worry on her face for Clint. After her little rant, she knew that there wasn't going to be anything that he, or anyone else on this ship, could do to send her home. She was too stubborn to change her mind. She didn't care about her safety, but she cared about everyone else.

Fury sighed, "Fine. Stay then." He told her. Monica smiled at her victory. "There is a lab on deck that you can set up in. Do what you need to do, find the cube and I'll do the rest. After that, you are going home."

"Deal." She said as she started to walk again. Making her way to the lab, wherever it was, she turned her head and looked back at Fury. "Oh, and if you don't get my husband back soon and alive, I will cut your balls off and shove them down your throat. Is that clear, Nick?"

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, Monica."

... ... ...

Monica had set up in the lab Fury had mentioned. Having different programs running trying to find the Cube. She's been given a new pair of clothes due to her getting slightly ruined from Loki's attack and jumping out of a helicopter. A pair of wide-legged jeans and a simple, shit with the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s logo on the back.

Monica could feel the stress rising as she quickly typed off the projected keyboard, starting at the glass screen. Her back was facing the door. S.H.I.E.L.D. had been helping Monica by sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cell phones, laptops. Anything that is connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for them.

Monica was trying to narrow the field. Knowing that they weren't going to find the tesseract, Loki, or Clint in time for whatever the god had planned. She was counting the number of spectrometers S.H.I.E.L.D. had access to. Trying to contact a number of labs, asking them, not demanding them to put the spectrometers on the roofs of their labs and calibrate them for gamma rays.

So far, she'd done that. Now she was roughing out a tracking algorithm, basic cluster recognition, and trying to rule out a few different places. 

God, Monica wished she had help with this. The stress of worrying about Clint was bad enough, but add in an actual god that she didn't know existed, with a powerful glowing cube that she'd been working on for too long... If Monica were a balloon, she'd pop any minute due to stress.

Out of the corner of her eye, Monica could see people walking past the lab, through the glass walls. Too busy concentrating, she hadn't noticed or heard the door open. She kept typing, swiping her finger across the glass screen to see different pictures of her program.

"Doctor Watson," Natasha's voice called from the door. Monica held her gaze on the screen in front of her.

She replied, "How can I help you, Natasha?"

"Oh, no, you don't need to do anything for me, however, there is someone I want you to see." Nat said, "He's going to be helping you with locating the tesseract."

"Is it Stark?" She questioned, "Because I really do not feel like dealing with his bull-" Monica paused as she turned towards the door. There, just a few steps behind Agent Romanoff, an arms reach away from the redheaded assassin, was a face that Monica hadn't seen in a while.

A face that years ago, she used to be pleased to see every day when she walked into the lab. But now, as she stared at his face, Monica didn't know how to react. She didn't know if she wanted to hug him, yell at him or slap him. Maybe all of the above.

She was happy to see him, glad he was alive, she wanted to cry, not sure if they were tears of joy or tears of sadness.

Bruce Banner stood in the doorway of the lab. A shy smile rested on his face as he waved at his old friend. Monica blinked away tears threatening to slip from her eyes. The balloon had popped. She smiled at him.

"Hi, Bruce." She said, weakly. Her throat was dry and rocky.

"Hi, Monica."

(a/n - hey guys.... long time no post... happy new year! Here's a new chapter. Enjoy.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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