Chapter 1

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A song suddenly went off in the silent house early in the morning. The thin teen reached over to his phone to turn off the alarm. The song is awesome - Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson - but it's annoying since its morning. The duvet was wrapped snugly around the teen. Alex kicked off the duvet and rolled out of bed. He brushed his teeth before putting on a track pants and a hoodie. The hoodie size was purposely chosen because it can cover up his figure, he is so thin that people might judge.
He went out for his run after pushing his beats earphones into his ears. The earphones were a birthday present from Jack...
Alex finished his run and took a shower before grabbing his black sling bag and went to school on his bike. "Alex." The teacher called out as she was marking the roll. "Here." Alex said quietly with a half raised hand as a greeting. The teacher took in his pale face and the bags under his eyes. His face was lined with fatigue. She chose not to say anything about it so that the students don't pick on him. They all say he is a druggie or a gangster. He was always on sick leave but now he is always present just that he looks sickly pale and tired. His grades for everything was excellent so the teachers can't complaint. He knows more than the other students who have been 'listening' to the teacher's lecture.
After school Alex went his job as a part time karate student instructor. He holds first grade Dan in Karate and knows a lot other martial arts. Sambo, Taek won do, Kung fu, etc. He finished his shift and went to his next job, a bike messenger. Today he has to deliver a parcel to someone named Nikolei Putin and some other parcels to other people as the one to Nikolei is the farthest. He delivered the other parcels first before riding to the given address. A hotel.
"Hi. I'm here to deliver a parcel to Nikolei Putin." Alex said, waving a parcel. "Alright. I'll check which room he is in." The receptionist said, sending Alex a warm smile. "Would you like a candy, sweetheart?" She saw that Alex look like he is about to collapse, she was hoping maybe a candy would help. "It's alright. Thank you for asking." Alex said quietly, giving the woman a small smile. Poor kid. He looks tired... So pale... The woman is a mother of two, it pains her to see a child so tired and looking like they are about to collapse. "He's in room 1403, level 15, sweet heart." She said warmly. "Thank you. Have a nice day." Alex said, giving her a nod as a farewell. "No problem. You have a nice day too!"
Alex took the lift up to level 15. He leaned against the walls of the lift. He currently has fever and he is feeling really sick. He searched for room 1403. 1399. 1400. 1401. 1402. 1403. He found it. He knocked on the door and waited.
Alex squeezed his eyes shut as a wave of dizziness rushed over him. He manage to recover as the door open. A man, athletic build and lean, stood at the door he has a black v-neck shirt on and some black slacks. The man has ice blue eyes. Alex stared at him in shock. The man was equally shocked.
"Little Alex."

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