Chapter 6

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Alex stared at Yassen. His offer seems genuine. He has nothing to lose anyways. It's nice to have someone take some of the load off. "I would like that very much." Alex said quietly. Yassen smiled, a real smile. Alex smiled back.
Yassen settled the things which makes him Alex's legal guardian now. MI6 can't do anything because they have no DNA to prove that it's Yassen. Yassen moved in to live with Alex in his home in Chelsea. "What jobs do you have?" Yassen asked. "Karate student instructor and I use to be a bike messenger. I quit that job already."
"Huh... You choose Karate."
"Duh... It's fun." Alex said as he packed his bag for school. Yassen said he was going with him, following him into every single class to see how his study environment is. "I gotta warn you. You might not like it." Alex said in the car on the way to school. "Why?"
"You'll see." Alex said as he got out of the car. Alex lead him to the office. "Alex! My, my. You look bad." Ms. Bedfordshire exclaimed. "Funny. I feel fantastic." Alex said sarcastically. "Tsk. Tsk. Such sarcasm at such young age. That's no good." Ms. Bedfordshire said with a smile. She placed a stack of books on the table in front of Alex. "It's yours."
"The teachers think you're bored in class so they brought books for you to study while in their class." Alex shuffled through the books to look at the title. All the subjects, university level. "Seriously? Isn't this a little too high up?"
"Nah uh uh." She said. Yassen watched the exchange in quiet amusement. Alex shrugged as he shuffled the books into a neat pile and held onto it with an arm. "Anyways. I am here to get a visitor pass for him." Alex said gesturing to Yassen. "Handsome man, who's that though?" Ms. Bedfordshire commented at Yassen's good looks. "My guardian."
"Good." She said as she got a pass for Yassen to clip on. "Thank you, Ms. Bedfordshire."
"No problem! You better eat or I'll freaking force feed you!" Ms. Bedfordshire threatened as Alex escaped from the office. Does she know? Is Alex really anorexic or bulimic?

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