Chapter 15

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Alex packed for his mission. "Alex." Yassen asked after knocking on the door and Alex said he can go in. "Yeah?" Alex asked, stopping whatever he is doing. Alex had told Yassen what the mission was. He was to join a syndicate and gather Intel. "Be careful."
"... Okay."
At the door, Alex's bag laid beside him. He and Yassen looked at each other until Yassen made a move. He walked forward and reached Alex in two strides. Yassen wrapped his arms around Alex. Alex was surprised by the move. He never had anyone touch him before unless it was Jack... Or Ian. Alex hugged back. "Come back in one piece okay?"
"I'll try." Alex whispered. "Don't try. You must come back in one piece." Yassen said firmly, shaking Alex a little. "Okay." Alex knows it's a suicidal mission. He might not be so lucky like last times.
Alex was gone for almost a week already. Yassen was still hoping for the front door to open and Alex to walk in. He lazed around the house, doing nothing in particular.
He was watching the TV when he heard a noise. He walked out cautiously to check it. Nothing. He was about to head back when he felt a prick on the back of his neck. He reached back to touch it but he felt his eyelid drooped and he lost consciousness.
When Yassen woke up, he kept his eyes closed to listen to his surroundings. Nothing, although... He can hear a few people breathing. His arms were tied behind his back which meant he can't do anything. Yassen cracked his eyes open a tiny bit. He caught sight of camouflage fabric. What? Yassen opened his eyes fully as the soldiers stirred. "Damn."
"What the heck happened?" The hispanic man asked as he sat up. They all sat up and when one of the member glanced in Yassen's direction. "Who are you?"
"Nikolei Putin." Yassen replied. It was his name now anyways. "Who are you?" Yassen shot the question right back. "SAS. I'm Wolf. He is Snake. That's Eagle and that's Fox." They all nodded their greetings. "Why do you think we're here?" Fox asked suddenly. Everybody shrugged. No one knew why.

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