Chapter 26

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Alex was so glad it was school holidays suddenly when he went upstairs after handing Yassen the first aid kit. He didn't need to explain an absence from school. He didn't need to explain why he has bruises or why he walks with a limp because of the pain. Most importantly, he receives lesser body contact. In school halls, people shove and pushed.
The next day, Alex passed the idea of breakfast. He hasn't slept because of the exact reasons as before. Memories haunted him. He came out looking pale. Yassen has been calling Alex for like five times already and he hasn't responded. Not his usual self. Yassen walked over to tap him. Alex's response was unexpected. He panicked and screamed. He scrambled as far away as possible until he hit the corner of the room, which wasn't far away, and he slid down the wall curling himself in a tight ball. He was hyperventilating. Yassen kneeled down in front of Alex. "It's alright, Alex. You're safe now." he didn't know what freaked Alex out until he was in this state but he'll try his best to find out ASAP and Alex is hyperventilating right now, it's not good. "Don't. Don't touch me. Please." Alex whispered through his rapid breathing. "I won't." Yassen reassured, holding his hands up to show Alex. I need to calm him down as soon as possible. He's gonna pass out if he continues hyperventilating. "Calm down Alex. You're safe now." He doesn't. He's still panicking. "Do you trust me?" Alex looked at him still wary but his wariness lessened as he nodded a little. Yassen shuffled towards Alex and slowly, making sure that Alex can see what he is doing, wrapped his arms around Alex. He pulled Alex close to him and onto his lap as he rocked back and forth trying to calm Alex. Alex did calm down a little. He stopped hyperventilating. Tears streamed down Alex's face, his eyes wide.
"What happened?" Yassen asked gently as he rubbed circular soothing motions on Alex's back. "... The mission I went to after you guys went off the plane... I was suppose to get thumb drives off people. This guy, he likes blond boys... I-he, I can still feel his hands on me." Alex said as he broke down crying. He shook as he buried his face into Yassen's chest. He balled up the fabric of his shirt in his fist. He got raped... Holy motherf*er! I'll gut that asshole! Yassen thought angrily as he started plotting ways to make that guy feel the most and worst possible pain ever. He felt and heard Alex start hyperventilating again. "What's wrong?"
Alex was clutching his stomach and ribs, generally where he had those big bruises. "It hurts," Alex gasped, "can't breathe." Before Yassen could respond or even move, Alex collapsed against him. Yassen fumbled for his pulse. Rapid. The first thing that came to mind was internal bleeding. Damn. He gathered Alex in his arms and went to grab his belongings before going to the car. If he really has internal bleeding, it might be the worst case scenario. Alex might die from it.

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