Chapter 4

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"Are you his relative?" The doctor asked as he got out of the operating theatre. If yassen said no, the doctor wouldn't tell him a thing. But Alex has no relatives. No guardians. Nothing. "He has no relatives."
"... No way." The doctor looks so stressed out. "Friends?"
"I'm the closest." Yassen said. "Alright... What's his name? It would be nice to put a name to a face."
"Alex." Yassen replied. "Alex suffered from pneumonia. He is fine now. The boy has many injuries that aren't treated properly and hasn't healed yet. His body is littered with scars. What happened to the poor boy?"
"I don't even know." Yassen said quietly. Injuries that aren't treated properly and not healed? "Partially, he collapse because of stress and over working... And not eating."
"What do you mean?" Yassen asked, confused. Not eating? "The boy is so thin that you can see his bones. Another doctor suggested that he might be anorexic or even bulimic." Yassen's lips pressed into a thin line. "Can I see him?"
"Yeah sure." The doctor replied and lead Yassen to Alex's room. Alex has a plastic mask over his face and he looks as white as the bed sheets. The doctor had wrapped up his entire upper body with white bandage and a few on his legs. "He has a sniper wound just so you know." The doctor said quietly. "What?" Yassen asked in horror. "where?"
"2cm from his heart." The doctor said. The doctor excused himself to attend to other patients after his wok phone vibrated with an alert. Now, Yassen has to wait and hope, hope Alex would wake up soon.

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