Chapter 2

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"Nikolei Putin?" Alex asked quietly. Yassen took in Alex's features. Thin, bags under eyes, fatigue line his face. "Come in, Alex." Yassen stepped aside for Alex to come in. Alex looked at him warily. He really need to sit down right down so why not? But he shouldn't trust an assassin. But he is suppose to be dead. Alex's vision swam but he manage to not let Yassen notice. He walked in, taking each step subconsciously cautious. "Tea or coffee?" Yassen asked. "... Do you have water?" Alex asked. He really can't even swallow any food let alone drink. It not that he has any physical problem but that he is anorexic. Nothing really likes to go down his throat. Yassen nodded and got out a bottle of refrigerated water, holding it out to Alex. Alex took it, nodding his thanks. Yassen sat down in front of him taking a sip from his coffee. Alex took a small tiny sip from the bottle before capping it. "You're suppose to be dead." Alex said in his quiet voice, slight raspy voice. Alex noticed the rasp that wasn't there before. He frowned slight but pushed the problem aside. "The paramedics got to me. After I woke up, I heard that they thought I was dead. It was an opportunity. I wanted to retire. " So now here Yassen is. Alive and well with a new identity. Alex nodded as he thought about it. Make sense. Alex took another small sip from his water. Alex rubbed a hand over his face, trying to rub away the fatigue. His hand jerked a bit at the heat from his face. Yassen noticed the almost invisible jerk. "What about you? What are doing here?" Alex closed his eyes when dizziness hit him. A migraine was knocking on his door. He rest his head in his hand, resting his elbow on the table. "I refused to do any more missions. Jack's dead. They can't use her against me anymore. The only way left was to take away all my finances. They were hoping I would collapse from the pressure and go begging for them to help me." Alex said, "so far, I've been coping pretty well. School in the morning, then two part time jobs. They pay pretty well compared to MI6 who doesn't pay me a single cent."
"Don't you have any connections?" Yassen asked incredulous. Even he, who was proclaimed dead, has some connection and secret bank accounts. Alex shook his head. Big mistake. It made the migraine worse and the dizziness isn't going away. Damn.

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