Chapter 23

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Alex's mission was simple... Well as simple as it can get. He had to blend in a club for rich people, flirt with some dude and get a thumb drive the person has. Simple right? Nah.
Why me?? Why can't they get some girls? Oh right! The guy has to be freaking gay and prefer blonds! Fantastic. Alex is so pissed right now. Okay okay. Calm down. I can do this. It's not that difficult... I can't. Alex couldn't get over his inner battles. Yes you freaking CAN! He was urging himself to do it. Do it for Yassen. Do it k-unit. Do it. To protect them.
Alex sighed and went in. The music boomed. He hated this type of places. All the sweaty disgusting bodies grinding against each other and there is little to none space to move freely unless you shove pass people which would bound to be painful. The place is dark which is an advantage meaning it would be hard to spot him if he has the skills which he does. As expected, a while later someone approached him and gestured for him to follow. Alex acted hesitant. "Why?" He mouthed, clearly they wouldn't be able to hear each other and mouthing is the only way to communicate. "Just follow." The guy leaned in and shouted into his ear. The guy turned, leaving no room for argument, Alex followed.
A man, tall and fit, sat on a couch drinking a glass of vodka. Alex chewed on his lips, pretending to be nervous. Well he is nervous but he usually don't show it, now he has to. The man ordered the guards to leave but he gestured something at a guard. Alex pretended not to notice the gesture. He felt a movement behind him. Blindfolds came down towards his eyes, he felt the guard tied it up tight behind his head. The first panic response for a normal kid is to struggle which he did, a NORMAL kid wouldn't execute perfect karate moves anyways. The guard held onto him to stop him struggle. "Stop struggling." The guard tried the gentle way. Alex head footsteps approach. His head was grabbed and it collided with the wall. It dazed him enough to stop him struggling. "Leave, I got this. He's a pretty kid." The man said. Alex knew the man must have spotted him in the crowd and ordered him to be brought in. The sound of door closing is heard. He felt himself get picked up and dumped on the couch. This time he doesn't need to act... He felt the fear.
Alex tried to scramble as far away as possible. His head was pounding, he felt a warm liquid trickle down. Blood. Alex's arms were held above his head and rough kisses were on his face, trailing down his neck and body. It was disgusting but he had to endure it. He felt his clothing being pulled off. Oh shit. He was wishing it wouldn't get to this. This guy was fast. Alex's brain couldn't catch up so it left him frozen in fear. He knew he had to do something but he didn't know what to do! He never had to encounter this type of problems. The guy flipped him around, trailing kisses down his spine. Alex whimpered. He didn't like where this is going. But he didn't know what to do. He can't save himself. His brain can't catch up.
It's too late.
He felt the man thrust in and out. It was so painful. Alex screamed. He couldn't stop the scream. His brain isn't catching up remember? He felt tears wet the fabric near his eyes. The man has no qualms in raping an underage child. When he was done, Alex was so shattered he just wanna ran away. He has to complete the mission. If he fails, Yassen will lose his finances. If he fails, it didn't matter if he died but Alex is sure MI6 would strip Yassen's finances. MI6 would also try to bin K-unit. Immediately when the man loosen his grip, Alex struck. He knocked the guy back and knocked him out with a few blows, using instinct and skills to tell him where to strike. Alex yanked off the blindfold, refusing to look down at himself. He picked up his clothes and quickly put them on before looking for the thumb drive. He found it pretty quickly, the guy left it in a concealed pocket but nothing gets pass Alex's sharp senses. Alex couldn't hold in his emotions. He was in a mess right now. He didn't know what he should do. But what he knows he needs to do is get the man on the couch and pretend the guy passed out. Alex injected the man with something that would make him forget about Alex attacking him and Alex's face. He would only remember raping a blond boy.
Alex opened the door, he didn't care if the guards saw him crying, it was the right response anyways. The guards looked like they felt bad, which they did but they can't disobey their boss. "Wheres-" one of them asked. "He's out." Alex whispered. The guard nodded, as if it was expected. "I'm sorry kid. Do you have anywhere to stay?-"
"I'm fine." Alex choked out. "I just-just need to be alone." Alex swayed as the blood loss from his head collision with the wall got to him. "You should get that checked kid, do-"
"I'll be... Fine. Thanks for asking anyways." Alex said quietly before turning to leave. This kid's the first one to get injured with a knock to the head by boss. The guards thought as they watch Alex leave.
Alex arrived at his hotel and quickly he cleaned up, took a bath and changed clothes, avoiding all mirrors. He dressed his wound. It wasn't big but sure hell poured a lot of blood. He packed and left, mission accomplished. Now for the next one.
All his missions are the same now, get a thumb drive or download a file from computer and leave. He was so glad the following ones didn't require him to get close to the subject. He might just immediately break his cover if he did. Alex completed the missions smoothly, he got all the things and now he is heading back to drop them off at MI6.
"Ah. Did you get everything?" Was Blunt's first question. Alex drop them onto the table. Alex was debriefed and dismissed. Alex still doesn't have a clue what he should do. It's killing him inside and he knows it but he can't help it.

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